The LotFP mission statement...

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
... with a new LotFP site on the way (maybe a couple weeks away, hopefully not so long? waitwaitwait), I'm thinking I need something more clear for the About page... the history can still be there, but to open the page up I need something catchy and accurate, like a mission statement or a series of bullet points saying "This is LotFP!"

OK, instead of coming up with something, how about you kind folks edit and critique instead:

The laws that Lamentations of the Flame Princess will live by:
* LotFP will at all times treat music as an art form that has value
* LotFP will at all times treat heavy metal as a serious form of musical expression.
* LotFP will at all times value authenticity, honesty, and talent as positive qualities, and will condemn anything contrary to or hindering authenticity, honesty, and talent as a danger and a fraud
* LotFP will at all times have critical, in-depth content
Jim LotFP said:
* LotFP will at all times treat music as an art form that has value

That would include all musical genres, but do we feature hip-hop in case it is of artistic value?
Then again, saying only "heavy metal" would seem too blinkered...
Occam's Razor said:
That would include all musical genres, but do we feature hip-hop in case it is of artistic value?
Then again, saying only "heavy metal" would seem too blinkered...

Art =/= Quality


And even if all music is art, LotFP is a heavy metal magazine which I think is clarified by the second item.