The Low Road of Ex-Band Members.


Den Mørke Natt
Oct 22, 2008
Sacramento, CA
So its been a long 5 or so years trying to start a band, loosing most of the members more than once. Over the past year we have gone through some members but my best friend/bassist who picked up guitar and for the band and then switched over to bass to fill in the position.

After some unfortunate events, that almost took my life and a bad year of having out other guitarist not showing up for practice as the result of being either jobless homeless, or rather partying, drug abusing or any other excuse that was in his book we decided to let him go as the result of having another guitarist already lined up for his replacement.

The following morning that he finds the letter we sent him he goes on an internet bashing spree, both posting a myspace blog about the band and what he wanted it to be and how he wanted it to sound, basically saying that the didn't like the very essence of the band, claiming it was too dark and needed a more thrashy death metal vibe to it. We play orchestral melodeath none-the-less, changing the sound to a more cannibal corpse sound is simply fail. Then he ransacked my bassist youtube page with a self-righteous flame war, vulgarly bashing what he believes is his lack of skill.

so the following are the some of the quotes he left on the page

OMFG ROFL WTF wat is this? i heard more pings than actual notes! your not even playing anything! jesus fuck please learn before u try to solo.
LOfuckingL again. wtf is this? the into riff and the riff under the verse is horribly massacred by your sloppy playing. and the chorus riff, holy shit. u added a fifth on the bottom and some random note on the top for some reason idk. and its a 2 note bend to an off chord not just a vibrato on the open sixth string. but its all good, i like how u finished the song strongly at least, o wait. god i lol'd so hard. thanks
LMAO u fucking butchered the part after the second chorus and everything up until the third chorus. wow you took wait and bleed, one of the simplest songs to play in the world, and you beat it to death with a pick axe. i commend you.

I won't drag you guys along with the blog bashing the band, unless you want to read it, but i won't just now.

its both amusing and sad that someone practically a brother would do some shit like that, and it sucks that parting members have to leave with bad blood but oh well, their bashing makes for a good laugh. Just though I would share. Anyone that wants to bash him on youtube for the lulz, my bassists youtube is satan515 so go find the handful of vids he has and burn him to the ground if you wish.

And then share your stories of more horrific band member departures
yea true, but i said if you wish, that would be more implying that the person in question sunk to that level, because I am not going to be involved in any type of flame war over the internet. Any 12 year old badass can flame over the net and its just pointless unless its for a good laugh.