The Maidens take Paladino's!


Too Sexy for My Shirt
Aug 1, 2002
In a house of nutz
Saturday night I was acting (somewhat) as roadie for all three bands, but the big duty was put on me by Bill Warren of Creeping Death and our very own Bruce Chickinson: videotape the gig! After Creeping Death finished their set I stood up from my spot on the riser, two feet from the vocal's monitor. My ass was sore so I walked around and helped load and unload stuff. The Jen asked me to tape the show, especially Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Sure, no prob, so again I took my seat on the riser and began to tape the Maidens. Lemmy tell ya, the stage activity was uncanny! I had a hell of a time keeping Jen centered on the viewfinder and Steph Harris was not too far behind. Definitely not something to shoot up close, you gonna get a stiff neck and sore arms tryin to keep up with them! I was grateful for MiniMurray, Adrienne Smith, and Nicki McBurrain for being somewhat less mobile. They were easier to catch on video but they still did their share of jumping all over. At gig's end I had a new respect for McBurrain. The video is shaky because she pounds the living shit out of those poor drums! My whole lower back was s-o-r-e! If she was a pro kickboxer the championship title would be hers very quickly! She hits hella HARD! All the ladies did an awesome job, and hopefully my (cheesy?) camerawork captured the spirit of Maiden as only the Maidens can do it. Hats off to y'all!
I have a LOT of pictures to scan in. Yeah, digital cameras are great and all, but I just HATE waiting for the digicam to 'warm up' for a pic - I missed SOOOO many great shots at the other gig Sunday night due to the camera being too slow - but my rather inexpensive film camera on the other hand... it did pretty well! Here are a couple you might like to see in the meantime.

Oh, and I must continue to compliment the Maidens - you gals are sounding consistently great! I can't wait for a clean recording to pop into the CD player!!!
Most of these images are thumbnailed to larger versions - just click on the pic to see the larger version (when available).

OK, where to start...

I flew in Saturday afternoon, and settled into the hotel. After getting myself all cleaned up, I headed off to Paladinos...

I had only told Linda and Sara privately that I was attending, as I wished to suprise a few people!

I just missed Linda and Mark as I arrived (they drove off just as I was walking up to the club), so I headed in. Keyser spotted me immediately, and we chatted briefly. I had made some cute little bears earlier in the week, and gave one of these to Keyser (in honor of that Valentine's Day thing).

Rattleface took the stage after a bit, and they sounded pretty good. Unfortunately, my day of torture the next day (All that Cookie Monster Metal I was exposed to in Riverside) pretty much killed any specific memories I had of the Rattleface set. They had a good time onstage, and a fair number showed up early to take them in.

At some point, Mel walked in the door, so I walked over and we exchanged greetings. Another bear found it's way into Mel's care, and also on of my art pieces she had expressed interest in. We didn't get much chance to chat, but it was good seeing her again...

Hangar 18 took the stage shortly thereafter, and they had a great time with their set! I am still not a big Megadeth fan, but they seemed to do a very good job with the tunes I recognized. Several people commented that they had improved a bit since the last time they played.

After Hangar 18 came Creeping Death. They definitely nailed the Metallica tunes, and afterwords I heard several comments that the guys seemed to be having a lot of fun playing them! Great job guys!!!

During the Creeping Death set, several of the Maidens arrived, and several more bears found their way to new owners...

Hangar 18 had a couple of prizes to give away, which they did after the Creeping Death set.



Last up were the Maidens. The Maidens crew set up quickly, as they usually do...


As usual, there was a large crowd around the stage for the Maidens set (the house was packed for Creeping Death as well).

I ran into Keyser while I was running around the stage on my quest for good shots...


And of course, I made it a point to get a shot of the gal at the Maidens merchandise table!




And I managed to get a shot of Flute guy! As I was making my photo rounds, I was completely suprised to see this guy jammin' with his flute! Just goes to show that the Maidens bring out the musical/creative side in a few of us!!!

Maybe they should change their name to The Iron Muses? Maybe not...

All in all, another awesome set for the Maidens. As always, the played the Maidens tunes to perfection, and only the irregular shape of Paladinos (which detracts from the sound quality a bit IMHO) lessened my enjoyment of an otherwise awesome set! But that same irregular shape actually gave me some great shot angles, so it all balances out!

As the club was clearing out, I caught these guys singing/humming the Jeopardy theme as Mel dug through her purse for her camera...



All in all, another awesome night with the Maidens...