Paladino's Show

Red Shirt

Aug 1, 2002
Huntington Beach, Ca, USA
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Another awesome show!!! Always extra special when Michael Kenney is able to join and this time even Robin Mcauley!!! I had to crack up at Michael's t-shirt. Said something like "I like humping Eddies box!" Michael, you find an extra one of those, I'd love to wear it!!! I also liked the Christmas touch...all those Christmas lights on Linda's drum set, OMG, I could hardly see her. But I could hear her banging away back there! Poor Sara had a bloomper of a show, but she was able to pull it off! First thing (first song?) her guitar strap broke and her guitar fell to the floor in the middle of the song ---YIKES!!! Good ole duck tape! 1001 uses! While all the other maidens kept on playing, Sara was taped back together before her lead solo, and made that just in time! Awesome fix - big Kudos goes to their road crew for that! Then later in the middle of the show, Sara triped over that box on the floor and almost fell on her ass, but..she didn't, and amazingly was able to keep playing without hearing any interuption - way to go Sara!!!

Set list (going from memory, I think this is it and in the correct order; also, due to ~12:30 start time, a couple songs got yanked):
2 min to mid
Somewhere in Time
Wasted Years
Wrathchild (on list but not played)
Wickerman (with MK)
Infinite Dreams (with MK)
Fear of the Dark (with MK)
Blood Brothers (with MK)
Number of the Beast
Phantom (on list but not played)
Run to the Hills
yes, it was a di'anno-less set, but rarities like "caught somewhere in time" and "transylvania" made up for it. i can almost hear the opening notes of "strange world" after "transylvania" when they play it. maybe someday... :)
the drawn-on eyebrow flautist made another paladino's appearance. as did double-fisted sharpened-canine teeth guy with sunglasses. but i haven't seen the "nyaaaaah!!!" 80s metal screamer guy for ages! it was a good crowd. they were enthused, but not over-zealous drunks like at some other shows. michael schenker rocked on "run to the hills." i didn't notice until i got home, but the bartender gave me an extra $4 by accident when i bought my drink. 'tis the season! :)
here's some pix from the show:












Roux , hey nice avatar....You'll shoot your eye out !!!

I dig the stage set-up...hopefully the Maidens shows will get bigger and bigger in time....Love the big Eddie....looks great !


My only worry is the guys in the crowd with a serious need of rogaine....other than that , great pics ! :p
One thing I've always liked about The Iron Maidens is that they always bring something new to the show and usually it is something that replicates the real Iron Maiden. This last show there was another new addition (unless they had it at their last show up in northern California which I didn't make), and that was the new Eddie'ette mask! The pics in Raveballs post shows the mask being worn. Pics never due justice, you have to see it in person to see how awesome it is. When I saw it during the show I thought that it was very cool, especially the way the tongue is giving a licking tease - almost like she sees her prey and is licking her chomps before going in for the kill. I just read the link on The Iron Maidens home page on how it was made. Very cool work by the maker Neil, and way to go Aja for working with him on that. Looking forward to more sightings of the Eddie'ette, or is it Edwina?
you're welcome :) glad you all liked the pix. there was an usual amount of camcorders recording the show that night. i spotted 3 or 4!

rogaine. that's not nice!! funny, but not nice :Smug:
Sounds like a great show. I sure hope you girls will be playing around NAMM again this year - we have a whole lot of people from out of state coming in and a repeat of last year would be awesome! :headbang:

:hotjump: WE NEED A PHOENIX SHOW!! (please!!) :hotjump:

Liz - I love that V!! :worship:
Thanks Red Shirt for posting the photos. I was at the show and was bumming that I didn't have one of those fancy digital cameras to take any pictures. These photos capture the memory perfectly.

The Maidens show was definitely one of the highlights of my LA vacation. (2nd time that I have seen them perform)So fun to watch Aja in action and being the star that she is. Linda just loves playing the drums as one can see from the expressions on her face as she gleefully brings so much energy to the songs. Sara was her headbanging wild self. Then there is Wanda and Liz who look like 2 sisters up there. More laidback stage presence from them, but that is perfectly fine.

It was nice getting to briefly meet the band after the show. Aja being the class act that she is, felt bad about pronouncing my last name incorrectly. Aja...No one pronounces it correctly.

Finally I would like to add that LA sure is a stimulating city. My favorite tourist attraction continues to be Venice Beach with the smell of sage and all of the cool different music played at the storefronts...and of course I need to mention the ocean. The thing that I hate the most about LA as a tourist, is the reckless driving by the Lexus, BMW, Mercedes set of people that obviously couldn't care less about getting a traffic ticket or hurting someone in an accident.
nlukes said:
Thanks Red Shirt for posting the photos. I was at the show and was bumming that I didn't have one of those fancy digital cameras to take any pictures. These photos capture the memory perfectly.

Correction....Thanks to Raveballs for posting these photos. Sorry about that. Nice meeting you @ Paladinos and putting a face to name.
Red Shirt said:
One thing I just read the link on The Iron Maidens home page on how it was made. Very cool work by the maker Neil
Yes Neil is a very talented guy - and he's a total sweetheart! We all thought he did an amazing job replicating Derek's work. He also created our new Eddie mask as well! :headbang:

It was cool meeting you nancy- that was certainly a pleasant surprise! It's always fun meeting peeps from the forums!