The melodic hardcore thread!

Aug 14, 2008
No powerviolence, crust, old school hardcore, moshcore, deathcore, or anything like that. This thread is for legit melodic hardcore bands that I think may appeal to you guys! Here's a few bands that I like (that are either clean vocals only or mostly clean vocals only).

Disclaimer 1: some of these bands are political, but let's talk about the music guys!

Disclaimer 2: no this is not emo or screamo. Calling it emo or screamo is akin to the elite-dorkisms of certain nihilistic sites that say Amorphis sold out and sound like Guns & Roses.


And now for lulz, allow me to introduce you to (if you have not heard it yet) what will probably be the new biggest thing in a few years, easycore:


I have to rofl, but I think it's pretty fun in a weird way ha!
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Of course you have to deliver the goods and outdo me by posting better bands lol. I feel like a n00b now. :(
I have been a bit familiar with some of this style, but wasn't aware of the genre, as in, the title of it (melodic hardcore), interesting. I have a few to go through, I will post some thoughts once I do. A lot of things up to this point that are called 'hardcore' with whichever prefix have tended to leave me cold because of how self-limiting it seemed to be, i.e. why would I listen to moshcore or et al when I can just throw on some slam death metal a half-genre away. :loco: Starting off with the Ignite song now and this isn't bad.
is that LIFETIME the same one from way back in the day? the old straight edge band

Are you just more into the oldschool classic stuff and don't like the melodic hardcore stuff? I mean I assume you don't like any of the ones I posted. They're pretty modern variants of the classic ones Dcowboys posted, but I know alot of people who grew up on CroMags and Sick of It All who hate the melodic stuff.
Are you just more into the oldschool classic stuff and don't like the melodic hardcore stuff? I mean I assume you don't like any of the ones I posted. They're pretty modern variants of the classic ones Dcowboys posted, but I know alot of people who grew up on CroMags and Sick of It All who hate the melodic stuff.

yeah...I was getting out of the hardcore stuff just as all the melodic stuff started hitting. I was huge into early Cro-Mags, Gorillia Biscuits, No For An Answer, Billingsgate, and stuff. Got into Lifetime and a few others but then grew tired of it. I got more into pop punk in stuff at that time also. Funny you posted Rise Against.....used to hang out with them at shows way back when. it is amazing they got as big as they did. We were all from the same area.
yeah...I was getting out of the hardcore stuff just as all the melodic stuff started hitting. I was huge into early Cro-Mags, Gorillia Biscuits, No For An Answer, Billingsgate, and stuff. Got into Lifetime and a few others but then grew tired of it. I got more into pop punk in stuff at that time also. Funny you posted Rise Against.....used to hang out with them at shows way back when. it is amazing they got as big as they did. We were all from the same area.

Hah, talking about big sales, the numbers for Rise Against's new CD are huge: 119,572 copies sold in 3 weeks. They could go gold!!!!
Hah, talking about big sales, the numbers for Rise Against's new CD are huge: 119,572 copies sold in 3 weeks. They could go gold!!!!

yeah, I think Bad Religion are opening for them this tour even which is like having Blind Guardian opening for you if you were a power metal band. It is crazy how they got so huge. A funny sidenote....thier original guitarist was kicked out of the band because he was a metalhead and did not want to cut his hair. The label said if he didnt he had to leave theband because they didnt want him out on stage looking goofy with long hair. He left the band right when they recorded thier first disc.
I've always been more of a post-hardcore kinda dude. Don't see why these wouldn't appeal to some of the members of the forum.


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I hate to be -that- guy, and I considered not posting, and I really shouldn't anyway

but this does nothing for me.

Main thing that kills it? the whingy pop-punk style vocals.
I've -always- hated that singing style. it makes my brain bleed. I can deal with a pretty borad range of styles, but there is a line.
And across this line YOU DO NOT...

Haters gonna hate, etc.
I hate to be -that- guy, and I considered not posting, and I really shouldn't anyway

but this does nothing for me.

Main thing that kills it? the whingy pop-punk style vocals.
I've -always- hated that singing style. it makes my brain bleed. I can deal with a pretty borad range of styles, but there is a line.
And across this line YOU DO NOT...

Haters gonna hate, etc.

Well to be honest, most of the stuff AS posted is just pop/rock with some screaming and not really hardcore....but a lot of melodic hardcore is not very good anyway. It's just the bands that are good are REALLY good.
Well to be honest, most of the stuff AS posted is just pop/rock with some screaming and not really hardcore....

Yeah I purposely posted more modern bands that are more accessible because I figured they'd make for better starters haha (also truth be told, in that genre while I do like Modern Life is War and Ruiner, I definitely prefer the poppier variations, unless we're talking about screaming-only bands). Oh well.
Yeah I purposely posted more modern bands that are more accessible because I figured they'd make for better starters haha. Oh well.

Nothing wrong with that. The bands I posted were pretty modern (Champion broke up in 06, MLIW in 08, Verse in 09, Ruiner in 10) but it's just two different scenes. Kinda like the thing you mentioned about this not being emo/'s not melodic hardcore either. Doesn't mean it's not a good gateway. Plenty of people get into the stuff I posted through the stuff you posted.

I did forget to post this band, though. Easily the best band in melodic hardcore. The EP and two full-lengths are completely flawless.

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Well Ignite, Rise Against, and Lower Than Atlantis def are. I'm not gonna lie, I snuck in A Day To Remember for funsies. Love that song. Port Amoral kind of has a melodic hardcore vibe but also kind of a metal thing going on too with the guitar leads. Sucks they broke up before putting out a full length.

I also meant modern in sound. Not modern in age, necessarily.

What do you think of bands like Touche Amore?