The melodic hardcore thread!

Man, these bands suck.

When I think Melodic Hardcore (and barely hardcore at that), I think:

Need I say more?

Yeah you need to explain to me why the first 3-4 bands you posted have no balls whatsoever and would barely pass for anything but indie punk or alt rock. :)

Christ you're an idiot.

None of what you like would have ever existed where it not for the bands I've mentioned. Plus, they're better than yours. Brains always trumps balls.

Yeah but they wouldn't have existed without Bad Brains and Black Flag either, doesn't mean you should go around posting those two bands in a thread about MELODIC HARDCORE.

More bands noobs to the genre should check out:
The Carrier
The Effort
Kid Dynamite
Paint it Black
Have Heart
Reach the Sky
Life Long Tragedy
Good band, don't deserve all the flak they get. A year ago, everyone was dickriding them and now it's an embarrassment to bring up their name, apparently. Happens to every band in hardcore that starts to get some popularity...

To be fair, it takes balls sounding like that and touring with bands like Lewd Acts (RIP) and Converge, but I definitely dig them. Not for this thread, but still killer shit.

I mean they'd probably fit more with Comeback Kid than anything else.
You should go post on the B9 board....the metal threads are the best I've seen on any site, hardcore discussion of course, and pretty much every funny link I find on the internet, I find there.
Neither of which are melodic.

That's the point. They have nothing to do with any of the bands posted in the thread, just like a good chunk of the few bands you posted. Just because they are progenitorial bands doesn't mean they are the same. Black Sabbath doesn't sound anything like Metallica...
Had them in mind when I stated the thread but I totally crapped out and forgot them!

Canada melodic hardcore is really good. Check out Comeback Kid too, no clean vocals but still good stuff.
Yeah the newer stuff is screams now.

clean choruses though, but it's not what I would've posted in here as an introduction. Still a great band though if you ask me.
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FYS is lame as hell. There is a reason their crowd is usually made up of 15 year old girls. I've seen them a few times touring with some bands I like and it's the most gimmicky stuff...
and as for the last band in the OP, (chunky captain or whatever the fuck) Four Year Strong already did that, but much better:

This isn't the same thing as easycore, which is basically Emmure riffs and major scale happy melodies... and of course, a joke haha!!!

Think New Found Glory meets The Acacia Strain. It's super happy AND has breakdowns!
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"Easycore"? Fuck my life.


also....ok, so everything I've been hearing that sounds just like that Four Year Strong song is easycore...... and much of the rest of this is melodic hardcore......see, I was just saying.. post grunge, or something. I would be genuinely interesting in hearing a breakdown (.....) of what makes each subgenre what. Remember that the most melodic I've had my hardcore influenced stuff is Helmet and Zao, so...