The Metal Gods Have Spoken!!!


Granada Porch Crew
Feb 25, 2004
About ten minutes ago, I posted why I was still on the fence, even though I really don't know from minute to minute why that is. But then it struck me. The Metal Gods had been trying to talk to me all week, and I wasn't listening. I've been trying to figure out why this show hadn't sold out yet, and then it struck me my brothers. I hadn't bought my tickets yet. And a clap of thunder sounded, and I fell down on my knees, and I said thank you "Jorn" for watchin' over me. Then I remembered today, I was listenin' to the new Evergrey CD, and I thought I could hear Tom say "come on home boy", and I said thank you "Pyramaze". So I went to ticketmaster and bought four tickets. And then Epica appeared to me like a vision and I said "thank you Glenn" for puttin' on the show for all of us shameless metal heads to gather at! So now I say to all you lost brothers and sisters, get out your visa cards, and give a little somethin' to the church of PPUSA. Reach your hands out and say neighbor, can you spare me a ticket? Get off that fence and do what the Metal Gods put you on this earth to do. Or ThunderStone will launch a lightenin' bolt at your asses!:worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:

Evergrey - A God Walkin' The Earth:headbang: :headbang:
Can we bring beer into this PP Church?

Edit - If you don't get off the fence, may the Metal Gods strike you with lightning and burn your asses!
AngraRULES said:
Can we bring beer into this PP Church?
Sure! In the PPUSA church we have beer
& nachos
, instead of wine and wafers, for Unholy METAAAAAL Communion! Here's our Cardinal:
I wash born here, an I wash raished here, and dad gum it, I am gonna die here, an no sidewindin bushwackin, hornswaglin, cracker croaker is gonna rouin me bishen cutter

The chapel is shaped like the Whiskey A Go-Go, the pews are all diamond-plated steel, and the altar has a catwalk sticking out into the audience... er... congregation. Yeah, that's it... congregation! Instead of parishes, we've got radio station audience ranges, instead of holy water we've got Jegermeister, and instead of a choir we've got Jon Oliva wailing on the organ. The altar boys are replaced with the chicks from AC-DC's video for Shook Me All Night Long, the cross has the letters KISS in bright light bulbs, and babies are baptised on the giant gong from Bonzo's drumkit. Every mass starts with a reading from the Book of Heavy Metal, which Niklas Isfeldt recites... with the PA turned to 11's!
Bryan316 said:

The chapel is shaped like the Whiskey A Go-Go, the pews are all diamond-plated steel, and the altar has a catwalk sticking out into the audience... er... congregation. Yeah, that's it... congregation! Instead of parishes, we've got radio station audience ranges, instead of holy water we've got Jegermeister, and instead of a choir we've got Jon Oliva wailing on the organ. The altar boys are replaced with the chicks from AC-DC's video for Shook Me All Night Long, the cross has the letters KISS in bright light bulbs, and babies are baptised on the giant gong from Bonzo's drumkit. Every mass starts with a reading from the Book of Heavy Metal, which Niklas Isfeldt recites... with the PA turned to 11's!

This is exactly how I would have the Church of Metal. This is funny that this thread comes up because my friends you arent really into metal at all always ask me, what do you see in metal that you like so much?

My reply always is the energy and the commroderie (sp?) that goes on with fellow metal heads and the way the music makes me feel. Then I proceed to tell them that Metal is my religion and I have 4 gods Sabbath, Maiden, Priest, and Motorhead. Then they laugh and call me a dork.
Bryan316 said:

The chapel is shaped like the Whiskey A Go-Go, the pews are all diamond-plated steel, and the altar has a catwalk sticking out into the audience... er... congregation. Yeah, that's it... congregation! Instead of parishes, we've got radio station audience ranges, instead of holy water we've got Jegermeister, and instead of a choir we've got Jon Oliva wailing on the organ. The altar boys are replaced with the chicks from AC-DC's video for Shook Me All Night Long, the cross has the letters KISS in bright light bulbs, and babies are baptised on the giant gong from Bonzo's drumkit. Every mass starts with a reading from the Book of Heavy Metal, which Niklas Isfeldt recites... with the PA turned to 11's!

Amen my brother!:headbang: