The Michael Moron Excellence in Anti-Americanism award goes to...

Oblivious Maximus

I am the worm
Nov 5, 2003
Serving time in the middle of nowhere
Senator Dick Durbin. This guy compared the US Military in Guantamo Bay to Nazi's, because he saw the terrorist's shackeled. I don't think he knows anything about nazi concentration camps, because shackel day would be a good day. He also said they made prisioners listen to rap music. Now that's torture! That part I agree with him.
Is the news gettting to you a week behind the rest of us, Crypto:loco: :D ? Thats some old news....Yeah the guy is a dicksmoke though...Along with Frist stating that he never said the Schiavo was in a vegetative state:tickled: I swear, the senate chambers are being bombarded on both sides with total assclowns.