the mind's i lyrics discussion

Naku ist krig

Active Member
Jan 16, 2002
Here it is:
Surprise from me; a decent post including no :
*referrings to animal molesting
*thoughts of masturbation
*and other non-sense

As far as I know we/you /members of DT forum
have not interpret the songs of The Mind´s I (except Zodijackyl..)
This came topical after the fine post of Ormir about the artwork of album..
We could start from my favourite song (not really.but anyway)..

Here are the lyrics:

Drenched in the perfume of hell
Impasto of burning oils
forming continents on my
outstretched naked body,

stains of shame
stains of shame

Limbs that leave their Nests of Red
to spin the reels of pain
Attach the nails and electrodes

and spin the reels again

Retreating hunger running through the years
carries the scorn on skeleton wings

Storm me thou with the sharpened claw
swift hammer nails that pierce the shoulder of
Behind the sunset, with movement regained

For there lie shadows even farther from the light

I run, devoid of mation,
devoid of name
attach the nails and electrodes

black moratorium, haven of refuge

Lyrics by: Stanne and Sundin

And I am depending to Rahvin
- Finest moderator of all. :rolleyes:
"Drenched in the perfume of hell.
Impasto of burning oils
forming continents on my
outstretched naked body,erupting"

Could it be of birth and something like that?

stains of shame
stains of shame

About that if you bleed, you are weak (at least in present-society) and you should be ashamed?

"Limbs that leave their Nests of Red
to spin the reels of pain
Attach the nails and electrodes
and spin the reels again"

Individual who separate from their mothers just ask for more pain.
Attach the nail and so on.. you should take it like man.
If you don´t, you are not ready to face cold world.

"Retreating hunger running through the years
carries the scorn on skeleton wings"

Feelings like "I would have been better unborn".
Still craving to retreat and to escape everything that life is about to bring in head of us. And the feeling follows thru lifetime.

"Storm me thou with the sharpened claw
swift hammer nails that pierce the shoulder of

"Behind the sunset, with movement regained"

"For there lie shadows even farther from the light"

"I run, devoid of mation,
devoid of name
attach the nails and electrodes"

I do I do, but still..Noone notices by work nor do I.
I have worked 24/7 still nothing remarkeble can be noticed.

"black moratorium, haven of refuge"

I too tired to make up anything else.......
@realhazard: please, don't multiply the number of threads when there's no need. :( i'm sorry i have to merge this in the other mind's i thread right below this one, because yours is surely an interesting topic... but we have started talking about it just the other day, haven't you noticed? :s

well, i hope you don't take offense, i'm just doing it to crop discussions where they belong...

rahvin: IMO, a seperate thread is where that belongs. Theres a difference between discussions of solely lyrics, and between cover and lyrics.

A sole topic isn't going to make that much difference, particularly as the only thing it'll knock off a page will probably be spam anyway...
I agree with WB, on-topic DT discussion which doesn't overlap shouldn't be merged. I see them as two different subjects, if about the same album.
well, since we were starting to discuss tmi's lyrics anyway i thought it belonged here. however, let's see if i manage to split it again.

edit: here you go. i've had to change the title since after splitting the old one disappeared and this thread would have been called exactly like the other.

So are we trying to understand the anger that Rahvin has for me or ar we trying to understand the true meaning of The Mind´s I?
Originally posted by Wanderingblade
Come on rahvin, have a stab...

i think i'll do tomorrow. i'm sorry but i've got a lot of work these days, and i'm waiting for my new pc... kinda busy time. i'm working on dissolution factor red, anyway.

also, removing threads is taking a lot of my time, lately. :rolleyes:
