The Mist

I agree. I knew nothing of the story or movie when I went... just that it was a scary Stephen King flick. I walked out of the theater with the thousand yard stare.
I just saw it.....

I spent the majority of the movie repulsed with that stupid bitch (you know who I'm talking about) in the movie.

As far as the end or the movie as a whole rather, I didn't like it. Parts of it were too drawn out and too predictable. I expected an ending alike the ending but not to that degree, which I will give the movie that. But, the ending wasn't quite disturbing enough me. It seemed to me that the ending was sort of thrown together to try to make it the most shocking when quite honestly, it could have been ALOT more shocking. I just sat there and waited for the movie to end and get over with. I'm sure you all hate me now because of my opinion on it, but that's fine.

I would ended the movie differently.
And how would you have ended it?

*Spoiler Alert* Highlight to read the text.

Highlight here---->I would have taken a more science fiction approach, but that's just me. I would have let there been a crazy, psychotic religious bitch because I literally cheered when she was shot.

Though, I would have built it up from when the soldier talked about the experiment with the portals to other dimensions. His two fellow soldiers would have still killed themselves and the group would have still ran out to the dude's car. But, the soldier wouldn't have been stabbed and tossed outside, he would have gone with the group to the vehicle.

This is off of the top of my head but I would have ended the movie somewhere along these lines.

The group would have driven in the mist, towards the military base located in the mountains. The soldier then would have navigated them to an underground passageway to the base. They would have entered through the underground passage, free of mist, in an airtight tunnel leading to the main laboratories. Rather than have those aliens running around like something out of Half-Life, they would have been contained on the outside due to them breaching the outside through a different, less discrete entrance. After they had breached, it would become clear in the dialogue of the movie that there was an emergency lockdown proceedure that occured after the aliens breached and the portal was shut down.

They would then make their way to the main laboratory where the portal was. The scientists and such would be dead all over the laboratory due to the aliens coming through and sucking the life out of them. They would power on the portal to the other dimensions, waiting with arms to see something come through from the other side. When nothing did, they would go through in curiosity, cautiously like in Stargate when they go through the portal for the first time. Either the movie would end with them on the other side, showing slight scenery of the other world/dimension or it would end without showing the scenery. Abrupt and without closure, alike the actual ending of the movie. Sure, you know what happened in the end, with the dude shooting everyone and not having the last round to shoot himself but you also find yourself wondering what happened to him; was he arrested for murder? Did he find means to kill himself due to the guilt of killing the others and noticing that the people they left in the store were rescued?

It wouldn't necessarily be exactly like that but along those lines. The reason why I would find that interesting is because I'm a sucker for science fiction that has to do with travelling to other worlds and other dimensions. The universe and the mysteries of the universe fascinate me greatly. I get satisfaction when science fiction movies are made that actually show the writers' perspectives of other worlds and other dimensions.

Like I said, that is my opinion, which everyone has. I would have simply just enjoyed it more if it was alike mentioned above.
I liked the ending in the book. And the movie stuck pretty close to the book....Except the ending.

As for changing it? Well, it is a story by Stephen King so it is his vision and his imagination.

Maybe you should become a film producer and make a movie based on your stories and imagination.