the moor


Dec 20, 2004
a couple questions about it:

1. Where exactly are the guitar drop outs? ive listened for em, but ive never actually been able to spot any at all.

2. does the intro make anyone else tired? Dont get me wrong, the moor is an awesome song, but the intro litterally lulls me to sleep...!

i cant tell you where the dropouts are...because i try to avoid to hear them because they could ruin the song for me.
the intro is great...i couldnt fall asleep in expectation of the first riffs...
I've never actually heard a guitar drop out. The guitar suddenly dissapearing is one thing, but if it fades out (or switches from rhythm to a double guitar part [one guitar in each speaker]) then that is normal..

The cut-outs everybody gets sad about is the static-y badness that I think is mostly in the right speaker, where the volume will vary a bit.

Also if you hear a noise like someone shifting in a chair, or a corny fart, It's just them resting their hands on the acoustic guitars and the sound gets recorded into the microphone.

^ add this to faq ^
thats all i use when i listen to music, headphones, the big bulky ultra sound quality ones
5:29 is where the MOST noticable one one the album starts. It ends at 6:26

its not that the whole thing goes out, but the right speaker goes in and out of being "muffled" i guess would be the word.
I dunno, cant read the print that the company used to put on it. It was cheap though, awesome quality for the price