The Most Annoying Thing On Facebook?

What is the most annoying thing on Facebook?

  • Meandering philosophical ponderings

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Infinite Idiocy
Dec 10, 2012
Path Of The Misanthrope
For the first time in human history, websites like Facebook have (for better or worse) given free and open editorial publishing license to anyone that cares to sign up - no qualifications or IQ test required. Since Murphy's Law is real and this is a metal website, let's focus on the negative: what do you think is the most annoying thing on Facebook? Let's see votes and comments...
Definitely when someone posts a picture of some sick kid along with some text like 'If you want JESUS to heal him, type AMEN' and then like a thousand people actually do it
Links that say shit like...

"This kid has glass bones and paper skin... When I found out it broke me"
What gets my goat is when people post endless selfies for no apparent reason other than to emphasize how "beautiful" they are. It gets my goat even more when they use stupid facial expressions in said photos (expecially duckface), and it slaughters my goat and sacrifices him to Satan when these selfie-obsessed people are - to anyone with a decent pair of eyes - really unattractive (even worse-looking than my goat after Satan has had his way with him).

Roll on, the Facebook narcissism and Facebook depression bandwagon! Who woulda thought one website could spawn two new mental illnesses?
Social justice warriors.
People who argue about GMOs and big pharma and other shit I don't give even the slightest shit about.
What gets my goat is when people post endless selfies for no apparent reason other than to emphasize how "beautiful" they are. It gets my goat even more when they use stupid facial expressions in said photos (expecially duckface), and it slaughters my goat and sacrifices him to Satan when these selfie-obsessed people are - to anyone with a decent pair of eyes - really unattractive (even worse-looking than my goat after Satan has had his way with him).

Roll on, the Facebook narcissism and Facebook depression bandwagon! Who woulda thought one website could spawn two new mental illnesses?

This, and when people post pictures and say something negative about themselves in order to provoke others to say how lovely they look