The Most Annoying Thing On Facebook?

What is the most annoying thing on Facebook?

  • Meandering philosophical ponderings

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I hate getting invited to stupid bullshit all the time. Games, events, random parties, seems like everyday I get like 15 invites for something or another.

Definitely when someone posts a picture of some sick kid along with some text like 'If you want JESUS to heal him, type AMEN' and then like a thousand people actually do it

Or video links with titles that end in 'you won't believe what happens next...'

very much enjoying all the unironic complaints of SJW im lauhin haaaeeerd

Glad I don't use Facebook.
The moment someone posts something religious I put them on ignore. There are like two people that did that, what the fuck. It's like whoa.
the thing that annoys me about baby photos is the kid looks the fucking same for the first several months...just a ball of pink, wrinkly flesh
Facebook's Terms Of Service, spammers, invasion of privacy, monetizing information about you for advertising purposes, all your data is shared with applications that you install, tricking their users into allowing them to keep their data even after they've "deleted" their account etc

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Hah! This reminds me of this great facebook post that came up on my feed during Easter! After a few minutes of editing, I provide you this gem. The poster (red nametag) asked me to be her prom date back in high school, but after rejecting her I haven't really seen her since. Looks like I made the right choice.


EDIT: I get a lot of this type of shit on my feed, I should probably start uploading them for your enjoyment.
Hah! This reminds me of this great facebook post that came up on my feed during Easter! After a few minutes of editing, I provide you this gem. The poster (red nametag) asked me to be her prom date back in high school, but after rejecting her I haven't really seen her since. Looks like I made the right choice.


EDIT: I get a lot of this type of shit on my feed, I should probably start uploading them for your enjoyment.

Perfect example of the deepest, darkest, void-like chasm to be found in all of Facebook.
I've always known that not everyone is a genius, but it was using Facebook and seeing the constant brain farts within that really brought the fact home to me that many people are awfully, horribly stupid.
I find the most annoying thing to be the amount of indirectly related crap that gets jammed into the news feed just because a friend clicked like. It'd save me a lot of time scrolling if I could figure out how to filter that stuff out.