The most complimenting Guitar/Bass guitars

Eek, couldn't find any used ReBops (two NOS ones on eBay for $1599 :yow: ), but the venerable Legend Classic 5 looks pretty enticing; any thoughts on Basswood as a, well, bass wood?

And yeah, the Carvin looks great, but I'm honestly not entirely keen on neck-thrus tonally, would prefer to stick to bolt-on (that, and the price)
Yeah. Ermz has some great mix abilities but take his opinion on instruments with a grain of salt. It works for his mix style but not all players/mixers would take that approach. There's no right or wrong. I say its more paramount you have a quality musician playing a well set up quality instrument.
Im all about the JB, I have a Framus Pantera and a Peavey Wolfgang both with those pups and they rule!

Bass wise a friend has a few Lakland and the Skyline J bass sounds great. Had a small bit of time with a Status Stealth which has 35" scale neck (its an older one) which sounds amazing and gonna try and borrow it for a session.
Looks like I'm not the only Marcus Miller bass fan. I had the easiest time with that and the Zon.
Obviously go play one first but I did really like the one I had. I'm not a huge fan of the newer Asian spectors I've played and I really wanted to so IMHO the lakland is a safer bet.
No, I don't wish to revive a necro thread - however I'm sure there are still others out there that can provide some more insight to what they believe to be the most complimenting instruments they have ever worked with. Despite that Ermz is certainly looking for a particular sound, his descriptions and explanations were exactly what I was looking for in terms of what one thought to be a great combo of guitars and their make, and WHY that was the case.

And yes, we all know a talented musician with a well setup instrument could blow one out of the water - that's not up for dispute, nor was it the question asked. Think of this as if you're running a studio and you want to have that pair of instruments in the case you have bassist/guitarists coming in to track, but they wish to use the studio's gear. What would be the instruments you know would work in context of a mix and in conjunction with one another, based on their build/components.
Necro bump, not sure of anyone else but I've found the input so far interesting enough to warrant a bump - here's to hoping that others will chime in!
I consider buying the old matsumoku p-bass - neck thru maple with mahogany wings. Do p-basses (precisions) compliment well with les paul type guitars ( e-standard tuning)?