The most epic thing you'll hear today, guaranteed...

Your vocal timbre is very pleasant. Work on your intonation and breathing and you'll go far.

The Kick is a bit out front, but if the guitars were a bit brighter and louder, it could work.

Your lead guitars have too much ambience, which happens to be too dark, and they have too much midrange. You're making the rhythms disappear.

The arrangement is cool. Keep at it.
made a little youtube video aswell, so y'all can listen to it in BAD quality too. how thoughtful of me, right?

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Cool, getting better and better, I would suggest if you cut some mids on the guitar, make it sound heavier, because it got lots of contra with the intro, just a suggestion hehe.

yeah, i'm having a hard time with those rythm guitars, man :confused:
i'm a swede, so middy guitars is like the eleventh commandment or something (At the Gates and the Gothenburg sound you know)

any suggestions for ampsims anyone? right now i'm using SoloC.
Maybe try some of the most common.
TSE X30,LeGion,Le456 or the LeCto.
If you need more power try to put
a TSE808 in front of it.

Besides, great Intro in my Opinion, looking
forward to hear more of your songs. ^^
i personally like to boost boost the Tse x30 with solo c, casue using the solo c by itself just doesn't seem to do it for me....
anyways the main reason for my comment is to just say that your singing sounds really good man.i was very impressed. i wish i could sing like that or even knew someone who sings like that...

looking forward to hearing more ...keep it up man !!!
I LOVE the song!
Especially the Vocals, they're fantastic. :)
Can't wait for the whole album!
I even like the guitar sound alot. Could you please
tell me what you have on your masterbus? Because I don't
really seem to get a descent master on my tracks...
I LOVE the song!
Especially the Vocals, they're fantastic. :)
Can't wait for the whole album!
I even like the guitar sound alot. Could you please
tell me what you have on your masterbus? Because I don't
really seem to get a descent master on my tracks...

thanks man, happy to hear :)

i did the mastering in a separate project for a change. so i first got a decent sounding mix and put Waves SSLComp (4:1, 0,3 attack, Auto release with about 4 db of GR) and a Tape Saturator (PSP MixSaturator2 with just 30% saturation on the Tape 1-mode)

then i exported that as a .wav into another project where i ran the following:
PSP MasterQ (eq) -> PSPVintageWarmer2 (basicly like MixSaturator, but it gives it a bit of "punch" aswell) -> Waves LinMB (multiband) -> Waves L2 with ARC release to get it a bit more "full" sounding -> then Ozone (with the Loudness Maximizer set to about 0.5 release and with the ceiling at -0.3db, the harmonic exciter and some stereowidening.
Thank you very much!
Do you already know when you'll be finished with
your album? :)

our deadline is June, since we're playing at a huge metal festival in a nearby town w/ such acts as Scar Symmetry, Dream Evil, Freedom Call, Grave Digger etc. we want the shit done by then so we can reach out to people :)

we're entering the studio the last week of March hopefully, for drum recordings. then we're moving back to my place to record everything else. that'll take like a month at best (shit's gotta be perfect!) and then we're moving back to the very same studio for mixing and then another studio for mastering.
I don't care if he has an attitude or not, the vocals and song are great!

More of this please.:kickass:

Ps. Maybe an idea to let the reampers here do some reamping for your album. Gonna be interesting.
I don't care if he has an attitude or not, the vocals and song are great!

More of this please.:kickass:

Ps. Maybe an idea to let the reampers here do some reamping for your album. Gonna be interesting.

that's a really great idea dude, could let people try reamping this song to start with :)
i'll post some DI's soon!
our deadline is June, since we're playing at a huge metal festival in a nearby town w/ such acts as Scar Symmetry, Dream Evil, Freedom Call, Grave Digger etc. we want the shit done by then so we can reach out to people :)

I like your clean-vox very much! Very, very nice voice!
A bit funny that you play with Freedom housemate plays with the guitar player in a top 40 cover band:lol:
Bumping this for you , cause i must have listened to this song like 20 times today !!! love it !

I'm really flattered dude :) I need help keeping this thread alive until I can post the stems, DI's and midis for you to mix. I'm going to do 2 versions, 1 with ready-mixed vocals and one with the vocals completely dry. So stay tuned!