The most obscure music?

Birkenau said:
I Shalt Become are kind of obscure :?

They shalt become in they're noble blood of aryan purity we will claim ours nations about naryan bthoterhoods.
I posted a demo/project I did last year on some mp3-hosting site, then I lost the link in my crash and completely forgot what the site was called. I think one of the songs was an 11-minute noise epic called "Circle Of Perpetual Apparition", and I used the 8-legged horse logo from my avatar, except minus the "Burn The Day". If anyone finds it somewhere, let me know.

That is definately the most obscure shit ever. I don't even have it.
Necrophagist reminds me of the original nintendo. You know when you fight at the end of a certain ammount of levels, the music is more faster,evil sounding than when playing a regular level.

The band would be better without being so clinical.