Genre of expertise

Old School Death Metal. I spend ridiculous ammounts of time looking into this crap!.
I haven't listened to nearly enough bands to consider myself an expert at any genre. I've been interested in USBM lately, mainly because so many people dismiss it so easily. I'm just starting to get into more of the underground bands which I never see mentioned here.
I haven't listened to nearly enough bands to consider myself an expert at any genre. I've been interested in USBM lately, mainly because so many people dismiss it so easily. I'm just starting to get into more of the underground bands which I never see mentioned here.

Good man.

I would say brutal and technical DM. I may not know as much as a few others here, but given the entire DM fanbase, I know my way around.
Old School Death Metal.

Bullshit :)

I'd say I know the most in Old School Death Metal and Traditional Doom. Not an expertise in any though.

Yea, his response baffles me to no end. I mean, had he replied Polka I could understand that, but Old School Death and Malignance are completely incompatible:lol:

I'm, not nearly as schooled on any genre as many people here. I just follow the recommendations of others. But OSDM being my primary interest, is, I guess, the one I can help others get into.
I would say I am a jack-of-all-genres in terms of knowledge of bands - I would say my strongest knowledge is back in the good 'ol days of Metal, mid-late 80s.

This is actually an interesting question, in that, we should have a thread (ugh I hate to say it, but one of those game threads that I hate) where someone asks a trivia/stumper question, and see how many answers that person's question can generate, or what knowledge people can offer based on the question.

The only problem being, there would be no googling allowed, but I don't know that everyone would follow the honor system...
I forgot to mention too (and I am actually proud of this because I'm so in love with the music): Early Music (still working on it), and Baroque (especially French).