Most genre representing albums

Compare Mithotyn's Gathered Around the Oaken Table (Viking) to Elvenking's Heathenreel (folk)...big difference. I don't dispute there's overlap between the two genres, but there are enough differences that distinguish each genre.

There simply aren't enough differences (if any at all) to distinguish between both genres. Even on the archives there are rarely any bands that are just called viking metal without black or folk backing it up which proves that it's just talking about lyrics and nothing else.
There simply aren't enough differences (if any at all) to distinguish between both genres. Even on the archives there are rarely any bands that are just called viking metal without black or folk backing it up which proves that it's just talking about lyrics and nothing else.

However there ARE enough differences.

Ancient Rites have very little to no folk influences in them and their black metal influence is very very very not prominent. They are a prime example of Viking metal without folk influence or without glaringly obvious black metal influence.

Einherjer is pretty much devoid of black metal influences on a few albums (Odin Owns Ye All in particular) and yet have the riffing styles and atmosphere that most Viking metal possesses.

Tyr's guitar work is similar to the above bands, just played with more of a power metal feel. They have very little folk to them.

Thyrfing, while being more black metal influenced than the other bands I've mentioned can't be called that and they have a minimal amount of folk influences. Their riffs recall those of the above bands.

And the afore mentioned Mithotyn ...

You just can't compare a band like Glittertind (and above bands + many more) to a proper Folk/Black band such as Heol Telwen, Numen, Belenos, and Nazgul.
Carcass - Necroticism - THE quintessential Death Metal Album
Metallica - Kill 'Em All - The definitive thrash album Doom is much trickier...but for me, I think that Pentagram - Relentless is probably the closest pick.
Carcass - Necroticism - THE quintessential Death Metal Album
Metallica - Kill 'Em All - The definitive thrash album Doom is much trickier...but for me, I think that Pentagram - Relentless is probably the closest pick.

carcass is a grind band dude

and that album by metallica is speed metal not thrash
I take it you have never listened to anything after Symphonies of Sickness.

...and indeed, Symphonies is in many ways much more aligned with classic heavy metal, thrash palm muted "e" riffs and death metal arrangements than with grindcore per-se.:kickass:

I presume Dave is learning about metal from Wiki or somesuch, so at least he's making some sort of effort.
1) Kill 'Em All is a thrash album, dude. For real.

2) Carcass were grind on Reek. Trust me on Carcass (note the name).
if they're grind, how can they release the quintiessential death metal album??

and yea you're right about metallica... their 1st 2 albums are speed/thrash


1) Carcass were grind for one album, where as the second has some grind elements. By "Necroticism", they were totally death metal. This is not unpresedented. Napalm Death and Bolt Thrower also went through similar journeys, with the former having been band mates of some of Carcass during their earliest periods. Carcass morphed in their musical delivery through their entire discography. They WERE grind, mate.

BTW, can I recommend that you listen to (at least) Carcass - Necroticism and Carcass - Heartwork ? You might then know where I'm coming from...