Most genre representing albums

thrash - sodom - "agent orange" (fast, screaming/harsh singing lyrics, war/political lyrics, kickass double bass)

I don't even know why we keep you :p; you forgot the main thing that makes thrash thrash; the riffing phrases are full of power chords and triplets at a fast pace with a high BPM.
for me..

Black - Mayhem:De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Death - Deicide:Legion
Thrash - Testament:The Legacy
Doom - My Dying Bride:The Angel and The Dark River
Isnt Amon Amarth labeled viking metal? they have no black or folk influences, afaik.

It seems to me that "Viking"metal ismore of a categorization based on the lyrical themes, kinda like "gore"metal
And that's why the term, again, is fucking retarded, because Amon Amarth is Melodic Death Metal and sings about Vikings and Viking culture and beliefs.
Death metal: Twisted fuckin' Sister
Black Metal: Twisted fuckin' Sister
Thrash Metal: Twisted fuckin' Sister
Power Metal: Twisted fuckin' Sister
Traditional Metal: Twisted fuckin' Sister
Aside from the general ridiculousness of the term "viking metal", what on earth does Skyclad even have to do with this non-existant genre? Let alone actually being a genre-representing band for it...

My mistake, Skyclad is not viking, but that does not take form the fact that Viking metal exists.
Black: A Blaze In The Northern Sky - Darkthrone
Death: Altars Of Madness - Morbid Angel
Grind: Anticapital/Blindspot - Assuck (listening to it as we speak)
Doom: Master Of Reality - Black Sabbath
My mistake, Skyclad is not viking, but that does not take form the fact that Viking metal exists.

Ok fine then give us a valid list of what you think viking metal is and I'll see if any of those bands sound alike because it might just be me but Amon Amarth and Bathory don't sound a damn thing like each other.
To all you losers saying stupid shit like "VIKING METAL DOESNT EXIST!!!!!!1" said:
Genre: 1. a class or category of artistic endeavor having a particular form, content, technique, or the like: the genre of epic poetry; the genre of symphonic music.

Read that really, really carefully and over and over again until you understand that a 'genre' of music doesn't even have to be based on sound, nor does it exclude a band from belonging to any other 'genre.' Symphonic music could be any genre of metal, it could be rock, could be classical, could be all kinds of things. Just because its symphonic doesn't mean it isn't black metal, and similarly just because a band is viking doesn't mean they aren't anything else.

People are just obsessed with turning everything into A vs. B, and they'll argue this shit til no end even if it makes no sense at all.
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