The most under-rated Dan project or album


May 22, 2009
I was just wondering which albums or projects by or including Dan that you feel are way under-rated, and could use more love from the fans. Personally I would go with anything released by Pan.Thy.Monium, since I still get blown clear out of my seat, everytime I listen to them, and i'm surprised more people haven't heard them. Then again, the albums have been getting pretty difficult to find lately :(
Not sure if I find Pan.Thy.Monium underrated, but I would truly like to see Dan and Dag take a stab at some new P.T.M / Karaboudjan type stuff.
main reason for this being my newfound intrest for avantgarde stuff. :D
Just curious, but does anyone know some stores that are carrying Pan.Thy.Monium?

I would love to complete my P.T.M collection, and hopefully even buy some stuff for my store as well :)
all of them. no, really. the context of Dan's works I'd definitely agree with PTM and odessey although I haven't heard all of their stuff yet unfortunately. I really want to hear Karaboudjan as well but i can't find it anywhere and I have no money :(
Wouldn't say that's underrated, it's Dan's coolest clean vocals by far imo, but I think it's more unknown than anything else by most.

yes, maybe that is more exact, though, when people do not know what it is (or that it exists at all) then also they cannot admire it ;)
Pan.Thy.Monium. I've been wondering lately what gear set up Mourning used.