the most underrated nevermore song


oddly enough i've been listening to in memory (song) a lot. the more i give each song a listen the more i like them, so for me, none are really underrated. even stuff off of enemies is starting to really grow on me (though i've always loved seed awakening, its up there with every song off of godless)
A Trace Of Blood said:
I'm going to be un-original and agree with the EP as being underrated. Also: The Death of Passion.

I love the palm muted part in the intro. It's so brutal and powerful, I just want to smash something while listening to it...well maybe not, but the song is sick.
Creator_Failure said:
While i definatly agree with the In Memory EP being wayy underrated, i think a good song often overlooked is Create The Infinite... i love the main riff, and the lyrics rule

yes, i cant believe i forgot that one
the hidden track at the end of this godless endeavor is pretty sweet too. its actually warrel talking about his lovely lady lumps under jeff shredding on a ukelele. only the first million copies have that though. :(
No More Will, Anything from In Memory, We Desintigrate, Tomorrow Turned Into Yesterday, Garden of Grey