The multi-instrumentalist thread.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
I love these fuckers, people that not only master one instrument but pick up another like it is no big deal and make it seem easy. I'm not talking someone who plays adequate guitar for some band then a few years later is the bassist on some tribute, I mean real masters.

I knew a guy like this way back when, he picked up an electric guitar when he was 13 and within a year was playing Hendrix leads flawlessly, then a few years later decided he wanted to learn drums: within 6 months he was running circles around people that had played for 10 years or longer (my high school had a fairly prestigious drumline, he was their best).

Leon Macey from Mithras who plays some of the greatest leads ever AND some of the fastest drums in history.

Dave Suzuki from Vital Remians who is simply mind-boggling to watch play guitar (never seen him play drums, but I can only imagine).

Discuss, spam, whatever.
I think these musicians are amazing. I'm sure it's tough to learn one instrument, but multiple??? Damn impressive.

Is there an instrument that is hardest to learn? Guitar? Bass? Drums? Keyboards?
J. said:
Is there an instrument that is hardest to learn? Guitar? Bass? Drums? Keyboards?
I play clarinet, drums, bass, and guitar. Drums have been the most difficult to play well, but that may be because I haven't dedicated a lot of time to it (apartment + drumkit = not play often). Bass, my main focus, is easy for metal, which is why I don't play in metal bands.

I've always heard the french horn is one of the more difficult instruments to play, but I'm not sure why because it doesn't seem terribly different from other brass instruments.

Someday I plan on learning the bassoon or contrabassoon even. :kickass:
pots and pans? yes I've heard those are difficult. maybe we need to ask Lars ulrich how you master them...
This rules:

"The bassoon is one of my favorite instruments. It has the medieval aroma, like the days when everything used to sound like that. Some people crave baseball . . . I find this unfathomable, but I can easily understand why a person could get excited about playing the bassoon."
Frank Zappa
I play guitar, bass, drums, keyboard and bamboo flute.

I'm good at guitar and bass, getting better at drums, ok at keyboard and absolutely suck at flute.

I am also very highly impressed by these individuals. I play bass but suck due to no practice. I hear the drums are easy to be just okay at but are the hardest to master if you explore areas with aggressive time changes and advanced limb work.
All I have going for me is classical piano training and a bit of fucking around on an acoustic guitar... neither of which are practiced much (piano, not at all as we don't even have one anymore!). But yea, these guys are great.
Well, I "play" guitars, bass, drums, dulcimer and keys- but the only instruments I can say i'm very good at are guitar and bass. But hey, I'm still working on it.
I'll add my kudos for those clever-clogs. It must feel so rewarding :)

I can play a shredding fast bass but never really learnt my scales, too boring, so I could be class but I'm just mediocre. My sloppy guitar playing is almost a point of homour for me, I can't wait to record some sloppy songs :)
I can play all the rhythm instruments and any woodwind instrument. I never get to good a brass instruments though. Ive had about 9 years of training and playing of woodwinds, 6 years bass, 5 years guitar, 3 years drums, 3 years piano/keyboard.
Guitar (Going to University for Jazz Guitar, and im trying to learn Classical)
Bass (It comes with knowing guitar).
Tuba (Hopefully I can also get a degree in this as well).
Alot of other brass instruments.
I tried to learn the flute, but was too lazy, I'd like TO LEARN EVERY INSTRUMENT IN THE WORDLLLLLLL!

That is all.
HarmonyDies.... said:
Bass (It comes with knowing guitar).
Bless. The best guitarists I've been in bands with are the ones that go "I don't have a clue how to plsy bass". The first guy to say that picked up my bass and then shredded me to pieces on it. The last guy is/was the guitarist in my current band, and he wouldn't even play my bass because he thought he didn't know how too. I was like "DUDE!!!!11!!! IF YOU PLAY GUITAR, YOU CAN PLAY BASS! SAME THEORY, LESS STRINGS!"

I love the Duplo comment. :tickled:

Bassists like me generally play in ways not possible on a guitar though, or at least ways that are not common. I speak of mostly strumming-hand technique since fretting-hand is pretty similar.
You heard of Victor Wooten NAD? I saw him at jazzfest, his bass solo left me speechless, it was incredible, he was with Bela Fleck and the Flecktones.

Anywho, I really want to get my grades in Classical guitar, but it's so STRICT.

Any other future/present Music students other than me?