The National Socialist Racial Standpoint: Still the Best Expression of True Diversity

Laeth MacLaurie

New Metal Member
Aug 21, 2005
In discussing the Jewish Question, even today one encounters resistance and misunderstandings, especially in intellectual circles. This can only be explained by the intellectual education of the political past. This is especially evident when one discusses the fundamental issues.

Whenever a new thought arises in the world and calls people to practical action, the old world resists because it feels its foundations threatened. Its old standpoint has ruled for decades, and it looks uncomprehendingly at a new idea that does not fit into the accustomed patterns of thinking. That is natural. When the new idea and worldview are truly revolutionary, they are on a different level of human thought and feeling, and there can be no compromise. Its realization depends on people who support it, and who are ready to fight to transform the life of the individual and of the nation in every way.

For a long time, people at home and abroad claimed that National Socialism meant war at any price. Only gradually is it becoming clear that a stable Germany, one that needs peace for decades to build itself up economically and agriculturally, is a surer guarantee of peace than a nation torn apart by party conflicts, which is a constant source of political unrest. The new Germany's racial thinking is the hardest element for many to understand, encountering rejection and misunderstanding. Some of it is the result of the honest misunderstanding of the old liberal outlook, but some of it is also the result of a conscious attempt to encircle Germany. Before the war the danger was seen as the "militaristic Empire." Today, the racial outlook is seen as a threat to all human culture and civilization, making necessary a unified front of all those nations whose dignity is threatened by German barbarism. That is the approach today of those foreign circles interested in isolating Germany.

In the long run, no idea is better suited to guarantee peace between nations than National Socialist racial thinking, which calls for the furtherance and maintenance of one's own race and one's own people, and supports similar efforts on the part of other nations. Such mutual respect which requires respect both for one's own nation and that of others rejects the forcible conquest of other nations, and history shows that it is useless as well. Imperialist strivings are rejected from the start, since they would mean an overlapping of one's own activities with those of others.

There can be no doubt that, as in so many other areas, human generations develop in unified ways. But humanity finds its deepest meaning when the outward elements are determined by the character and spiritual characteristics that find their visible expression in race and nationality. No thought or feeling, if it is genuine and deep, can escape its racial boundaries.

One of the fundamental principles of the National Socialist worldview is that there are not universal human principles, such as the Pan-European idea in politics or the idea of a human soup in racial terms. Judgments are only possible from life, which is racially determined. Being interested in and caring for one's kind is not to disparage foreign peoples and races. The Jews are responsible for charges that Germany puts all other peoples and races on earth on a lower level. Just as one cannot say that one animal or plant is better than another, one cannot make an objective value judgment between Europeans and Mongols. Their thinking and feeling about essential matters are different, which means they will have different cultures. We have our values, other peoples have theirs. Every variety of custom and culture is colored by the race or group from which produces it, as are judgments of such matters.

Lasting peace is possible based on the consciousness of the ethnic or racial distinctiveness of each nation, and a recognition of their mutual right to existence rather than on the maintenance of some sort of power position. The new Germany that views its own race and ethnicity positively must therefore distinguish within its territory between one race and another, between one people and another. Mixing of blood harms both sides. Race is an issue for every people if they are to live according to their nature. The German people is not so arrogant as to believe that it is the chosen people. The familiar quotation from Geibel, "The world should enjoy German ways," should be understood in the context of the dreams of world betterment of those past days.

The National Socialist racial viewpoint has clear consequences for the relationship between Germans and Jews. People have often said that National Socialism's approach to the racial question is purely negative and destructive, and that its essential characteristic is radical anti-Semitism. One must grant that we made the Jewish question clearer than anyone else, and taught an entire generation that had been taught to see all people the same to recognize the importance of the Jewish question not only for our people, but for the entire world. Our treatment of the Jewish problem in the years before we took power must be seen as the political education of the German people, which had lost its racial instincts to a dangerous degree.

The question took on its own nature in Germany, Many citizens had their eyes opened, and the simultaneous appeal to all the heroic and manly virtues of the German man resulted in a racial selection of political fighters who today stand at the head of the new state. Formerly, the Jewish question, as seen by the state, was a matter of complete equality and the unhindered immigration of Jews from the East. This is the best proof of how racial feeling and consciousness had been lost. Our tone was not purely negative or the simple rejection of others, rather the emphasis was on the positive values of our own people. This does require noting that Jewry through its Marxist class struggle leadership role and its international financial measures aimed at Germany supported every kind of anti-national action in the cultural and political fields. Jewry should not complain if its anti-German activities, which have no counterpart in any other country, call forth from the people the defensive reaction of anti-Semitism.
Strangely I think Europe is startng to reaccept these racial views as more and more Africans, Islamic North Africans and Middle Easterners show up in their countries and not only demand their social services, but refuse to blend in, or even attempt to take part in European society. Why you have the National Front in France, that one party in Austria whose name I forgot.

About the jewry, there is an interesting idea that was advanced some time ago by Spengler. Basically he argued, Jews were further evolved, or ahead of the rest of the world. They were the first group of people to be freed from the land, to base their lives on credit and money,etc. So, of course they got a head start and we are jealous.
I think you need to be clear that the topic title mentions race. Jews are not a race, they are a religion, you could be from any race and be a Jew.
I think it's important not to get race and religion mixed up in todays society.
true diversity perhaps it represents. x is black. z is white. clear seperation. however, the idea behind the campaign for diversity awareness is to become more familiar with those not of the same category to encourage peaceful correspondance, not isolation.
No man. I think he means that there's just absolutely no way that humanity will ever achieve its latent ubermensch potential unless breeding between races is strictly regulated.

edit: i mean prohibited
Well that kind of thing certainly went on in times past. Anyway, I think it's a good idea. I mean, take a look at racially mixed people. They're broken human beings. They can't function properly, their immune system is weakened, they can't even think straight, and they have no sense of their own roots. Never mind rational deliberation; even if they turn out to be well-adjusted, they must've been predisposed to be that way (only if they're half indo-european) and/ or brought up in a good environment, so don't let that fool you. Miscegenation is always bad.
are you so quick to condemn assimilation when every "current" race existing is a compound of those previous?

Feel free to provide me with examples of civilizations that even approach the post-globalization West and particularly the States when it comes to gathering divergent ethnic groups.

Assimilation is one possibility. It won't happen for a very long time and will never occur without massive state intervention, which is required anyway to quell the dissent brought on by the cultural hodgepodge. Other possibilities are radical decentralization and authoritarian purification. Obviously, there is a premise that hasn't been mentioned. That is, that something needs fixing. I believe it to be the case that individuals need to be grounded in a unified culture to develop communitarian ethics. Anything else is decadent.

First, to homogenize, borders need to be closed. Second, how long will it take? Multiculturalism has already overtaken us to the extent that one cannot speak against it. Multiculturalism is moral law. Still, we're not all engaging in miscegenation. On the contrary, such relationships remain rather uncommon. As distasteful as it is, the best argument against ethhic homogenization is that it's utterly quixotic.

Much of the West is ruined already. The best thing that could happen is for it to crumble. America, for instance, cannot be saved. It needs to be destroyed and rebuilt.
I mean, take a look at racially mixed people. They're broken human beings. They can't function properly, their immune system is weakened, they can't even think straight, and they have no sense of their own roots.

Can't you go a single thread without parodying yourself?

As distasteful as it is, the best argument against ethhic homogenization is that it's utterly quixotic.

That sums it up nicely.
How exactly can Cythraul claim mixed race people are "broken".
The fact some of them can't think straight is nothing to do with race etc, there are plenty of white western people who are just as screwed up in the head and have even worse health problems than people of mixed race.
And i fail to understand how their immune system is supposedly weakened. Mixed race should have little effect on your immune system unless you inherit genes that cause such a problem. And such genes are only going to be rare mutations which could be present in any race of people.