The egalitarian war on reality

There is a few basic similarities, such as universalism, and what is “right” and “wrong” but that hardly makes Christianity liberal despite incorporating liberal ideas.

What makes Christianity liberal is its focus on individual preservation through morality.

However, there are more enlightened interpretations of Christianity, and I urge all Christian-haters to seek these out and press them onto Christians who might otherwise be your allies. The enemy is solipsism, not a specific religion.

Though I worship trees, I call them God, and if your God speaks this language, we can be allies.
What makes Christianity liberal is its focus on individual preservation through morality.

However, there are more enlightened interpretations of Christianity, and I urge all Christian-haters to seek these out and press them onto Christians who might otherwise be your allies. The enemy is solipsism, not a specific religion.

Though I worship trees, I call them God, and if your God speaks this language, we can be allies.

I am not trying to argue with you but have to say that Christianity is responsible for a lot of harm.
It may seem pragmatic to appeal to Christians in America where there are so many of them. But in Europe the situation is different. European intellectuals see Chrisitainity as one of the stupidest things about Americans - particularly the way the Bible belt types practice it.

I don't advocate making enemies of Christians, just like I don't want to make anyone an enemy. But I personally agree with Ben Klassen that Christianity is so destructive to the brain that it is like having had a hot knife through it. Few can recover.
I am not trying to argue with you but have to say that Christianity is responsible for a lot of harm.
It may seem pragmatic to appeal to Christians in America where there are so many of them. But in Europe the situation is different. European intellectuals see Chrisitainity as one of the stupidest things about Americans - particularly the way the Bible belt types practice it.

I don't advocate making enemies of Christians, just like I don't want to make anyone an enemy. But I personally agree with Ben Klassen that Christianity is so destructive to the brain that it is like having had a hot knife through it. Few can recover.

Christianity was in Europe, then it made it’s way into America…I think it is more of the actions of Europeans (racially not culturally) wherever we go around the world. It was us who allowed this religion to dominate our thought process, from the Roman Senate, Charlemagne, the Inquisition, the Pope, the Teutonic Knights, all the way to the United States and the European world. The lunacy of Europeans has allowed this religion to become so extreme, we are lunatics there is no doubt about that, burning people at the stake for a simple thought contradicting the Holy Bible all the way to the imprisonment of intellectuals for not agreeing with Anglo-American version of world war II.

As far as Christianity being extreme in America that is true, but is also extreme in your neck of the woods, with the Christians still inflicting terrorism upon each other.
Christianity was in Europe, then it made it’s way into America…I think it is more of the actions of Europeans (racially not culturally) wherever we go around the world. It was us who allowed this religion to dominate our thought process, from the Roman Senate, Charlemagne, the Inquisition, the Pope, the Teutonic Knights, all the way to the United States and the European world. The lunacy of Europeans has allowed this religion to become so extreme, we are lunatics there is no doubt about that, burning people at the stake for a simple thought contradicting the Holy Bible all the way to the imprisonment of intellectuals for not agreeing with Anglo-American version of world war II.

As far as Christianity being extreme in America that is true, but is also extreme in your neck of the woods, with the Christians still inflicting terrorism upon each other.

Do you mean Ireland? Things have calmed down a great deal there as far as sectarianism.
The main reason why Christianity is more fundamental in the US is that Europe has suffered greater losses in war, which has led to our people's disillusionment with God. It's not because we are cleverer - but just different circumstances.
I agree that people of European origin are lunatics who attack their own kind (our own kind) in all sorts of ridiculous ways. And it has reached the point where I feel that it may be exactly what our people deserve to be reduced to internal warfare on ethnic lines, as bad as Rwanda and longer lasting. Maybe only then Europeans will rediscover the importance of their own identity and tribalism. Perhaps it will take the consequences of mass immigration to awaken this. It is just a real shame for those of us who felt tribalistic without having to suffer such extreme violence and who could have prevented it all (if we were numerous enough) so that all the horror we are now set up for could have been avoided.
Do you mean Ireland? Things have calmed down a great deal there as far as sectarianism.
The main reason why Christianity is more fundamental in the US is that Europe has suffered greater losses in war, which has led to our people's disillusionment with God. It's not because we are cleverer - but just different circumstances.
I agree that people of European origin are lunatics who attack their own kind (our own kind) in all sorts of ridiculous ways. And it has reached the point where I feel that it may be exactly what our people deserve to be reduced to internal warfare on ethnic lines, as bad as Rwanda and longer lasting. Maybe only then Europeans will rediscover the importance of their own identity and tribalism. Perhaps it will take the consequences of mass immigration to awaken this. It is just a real shame for those of us who felt tribalistic without having to suffer such extreme violence and who could have prevented it all (if we were numerous enough) so that all the horror we are now set up for could have been avoided.

I fully agree about America not having the disillusionment factor to contend with historically. This has clearly impacted how we appraoch "faith."
But the one thing that seems to cement Christianity and middle-America is the cultural
domination of Conservative/Christian lifestyles. Many, if not most of Evangelical Christians, for instance, are in lock-step politically and culturally. They dress similarly, listen to similar music, live, work and play in similar fashion. The spiritual aspects in and of themselves arguably come second - it is how you express your conviction that seems to matter most(not drinking, smoking, screwing around, swearing, watching porn, etc.)
Of course this spans well beyond the Bible-Belt set. Virtually everyone I know clings stubborly to Hebrew Utopianism in some form. The only real exception are those with whom I share musical tastes. One doesn't find many Christian Death and Black Metal fans:heh: