The Nearly Deads = Paramore bis ? (radio pop-punk)

not bad at all, these guys have potential.

the mix could have used a little more work considering what the music sounds like though.
a little too generic IMO.
hayley is hotter


wait....o_O nvm!
For some reason I don't like her voice when she's singing the lower verses, but then when she slides to the high notes I love it.
Hayley is not at all hot in person, FWIW.

^ Too fragile looking irl?

Prefer that girls voice, got a lot of character, bit more emo-y but thats the scene.
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Digging that first track. Doesn't sound much like Paramore to me. More like too much Paracomp ;) (OMG that snare)

Yes, a girl singing with balls and modern pop rock, but rip off? Name the song they ripped off, I haven't listened to Paramore that much, just Riot and Brand new eyes. Well, I don't care much as long as the tunes are good.

Thumbs up to them.

The other track bored me from the first minute.