The Negation


-scented manbeef-
May 9, 2002
Edinburgh, Scotland
WOW! I've got five tracks; The Fury, Three Dimensional Defect, Sensual Sickness, Calling and The Negation and I just can't stop listening to them! This is definately going to be my favourite Decapitated album yet. It doesn't sound as in-your face as Nihility was in terms of complexity and technicality; it seems to be more of a throwback to the feel of Winds of Creation, but with the sort of instantly groovy riffing that made certain cuts on Nihility stand-out more.

This is going to utterly devestate!

Anyone else heard stuff from it yet?
Daaaaaaaaaamn! Is it leaked? I've only heard 'Lying & Weak' which didn't exactly bowl me over. I'm gonna have to resist download it before buying it. When the release date?
February. the 4th sticks in my head, yeah, February 4th I think.

Trust me though, what i've heard slays. I just downloaded Lying and Weak and I think it's pretty good, although not the best one i've heard. One thing's for sure, this isn't nearly as choppy or staccato-like as Nihility (a good thing I think); it's got a lot more blasting.
I've heard The Fury form the upcoming album a few weeks back and since i got high hopes for it i pre-ordered it from

It's coming out 9th February
When I use mirc, I use Undernet, and mp3deathmetal, mp3blackmetal, stuff like that. the metal sharing isn't as big as it used to be, but you can still get some stuff. I'm still looking for the rest of the Negation tracks; for some reason very few people seem to have the whole thing.
Here, I'll help you guys out. Just make sure you still buy the album though ;)


Once you're in there, copy and paste this into your little input box thingo.

/msg mh-14 xdcc send #1
A lot of people have got it on DC. As soon as I read your post, I started Direct Connect, (Good hubs: and ) and downloaded it.

And for the record: Brilliant, brilliant stuff. Still haven't listened enough to it, though (I've actually focused more on "The Wretched Spawn").
I have the whole thing as well also and it really shines. 3 tracks stand out right away. Lying and Weak, The Negation .. which just grinds, and The Fury. The rest are awesome as well but need some more time to sink in.

Like someone else said it is not as technical as Nihility but rather more straightworfard. I think they achieved a good mix of the previous two releases in terms of songwriting and production.

As of now I still like Nihility better, but this will definetelly grow on me ...

Will buy this on release day for sure!
SculptedCold said:
One thing's for sure, this isn't nearly as choppy or staccato-like as Nihility (a good thing I think); it's got a lot more blasting.

Fuck, the stop start of Nihility owned me. I'm just gonna pre-order this from Earache without hearing anymore.
I think the staccato feel of it was largely to do with the excessively trebly production of the double bass. I noticed, listening to it recently, that often the guitars would be playing choppy, disconnected riffing, while the drums would be fast double-kicking away.....and yet, because they're so high in the mix, it never added a visceral speed to the music. If the drums in Nihility were bassier, i'm sure it would have overall felt like a much faster album.

But anyway, The Negation is definately faster. =) ...and The Fury is my least favourite track so far. STILL haven't gotten them all! arggh
Well after a couple of extended listens to this new one, it leaves me a little cold. Nihilty is a hard record to follow up as even after a year of owning it and listening to it dozens of times I still hear new things in it.

The Negation after a few listens, bores me already. Besides, The fury, The Negation and Lying and Weak the rest sound a little pedestrian.

Not sure if it was just laziness on the bands part or a push on Earache's part to make them write more "straightforward" tracks to break them out .. but this record does not have that in your face quality as Nihility did. Dare I say ... take out Sauron's growls and some passages sound almost nu-metallish :ill:

Again, this is not a bad release at all, but after Nihilty it feels very lazy and almost rushed.

Sorry to say this ... and I am a huge Decapitated fan!