The Negation

The first 2 songs are killer and there is an awsome riff in the second song. The rest of the cd bores me into tears. Nihility bores me and WoC was pretty killer. Very overrated band.

If you want awsome tech DM I suggest Theory In Practice,Spawn of Possession,Martyr,Gorguts(newer),Capharnaum,Neuraxis( Truth Beyond....)Atheist(last 2),Cynic(Focus),Psycroptic etc......
They don't seem very Tech Deathy at all, especially on The Negation. When a band is labelled tech death I imagine stuff like Spawn of Possession, not Decapitated. I've never underdstood why people call them Tech Death.
I don't consider them very technical(at times they can be technical like on WoC) and they are not as musical or creative as much as people make them out to be. There song structures and time changes are very basic and thoughtess. They are very starel sounding and mechanical in a bad way along with not being inovative. They lack flow also.

SoP it ten times more tech and musical then Decapiated will ever be.
yes, someone had to come in and ruin the parade. I was suprised that i broke the ice. So much praise without some inevitable asshole like me. And yes, it is all about Spawn of Possession.
Living Inside said:
I don't consider them very technical(at times they can be technical like on WoC) and they are not as musical or creative as much as people make them out to be. There song structures and time changes are very basic and thoughtess. They are very starel sounding and mechanical in a bad way along with not being inovative. They lack flow also.

SoP it ten times more tech and musical then Decapiated will ever be.
Just out of interest, it seems like you have something against Decapitated, why? :err:
I suppose Decapitated are far from the most technical death metal band around, and i've never called them tech death, but I still consider them pretty technical. I mean, when I saw the video for Spheres of Madness I was like....whoa!! Look at those fingers fly!!!!!
This vocal style went stale at least 5 years ago, and it has been trite ever since. This band has decent riffs. But this band is exciting enough to listen to right before bed.
I think a band like this would benefit more from having no vocalist as opposed to the one they do have. The lyrics have failed to impress me. They are definitly held back and limited because of the vocals. The vocals they use are just a cop out I think. I just get the feeling that they(their vocals) are there just because it is the thing to do. IT is wasted space.
Again ... my above comment about nu-metal sounds ...

On Three Dimensinal Defect, I mean really ... take the song as an instrumental, without Sauron, and it could be a Disturbed song or any of the other bands of that genre.

I was really waiting for a smoking release from these guys and this just dissapoints ...
SADUDE said:
This vocal style went stale at least 5 years ago, and it has been trite ever since. This band has decent riffs. But this band is exciting enough to listen to right before bed.
Since when were death growls the height of innovation? Something like that cannot go stale, it fits with the music and always will. Saying it's trite makes it sound like it's gone out of fashion and they've been left behind. The "that was soooo nineteen ninetys" attitude has no place in metal. They always have been a solid death metal band, nothing innovative or spectacular, just straight-forward and memorable. Their age makes this more outstanding, but it isn't a gimmick. If you want gimmicks go listen to some super-technical b00tal bullshit.

SADUDE said:
I think a band like this would benefit more from having no vocalist as opposed to the one they do have. The lyrics have failed to impress me. They are definitly held back and limited because of the vocals. The vocals they use are just a cop out I think. I just get the feeling that they(their vocals) are there just because it is the thing to do. IT is wasted space.
Death metal lyrics suck generaly and always have. Great words do not a great band make.
Originally Posted by Living Inside
I don't consider them very technical(at times they can be technical like on WoC) and they are not as musical or creative as much as people make them out to be. There song structures and time changes are very basic and thoughtess. They are very starel sounding and mechanical in a bad way along with not being inovative. They lack flow also.

"SoP it ten times more tech and musical then Decapiated will ever be.
Just out of interest, it seems like you have something against Decapitated, why? "

Because the band thinks they are groundbreaking and original and them and fans seem to have there heads up there asses and think they are on some music revolution or some bullshit. Confidence is a good thing but the band has gone way to far and do not back up any claims.

Now I can get attacked by the gay pride parade.
Necro Joe said:
Since when were death growls the height of innovation? Something like that cannot go stale, it fits with the music and always will. Saying it's trite makes it sound like it's gone out of fashion and they've been left behind. The "that was soooo nineteen ninetys" attitude has no place in metal. They always have been a solid death metal band, nothing innovative or spectacular, just straight-forward and memorable. Their age makes this more outstanding, but it isn't a gimmick. If you want gimmicks go listen to some super-technical b00tal bullshit.

I am just saying their vocals are beyond monotonous, and are just unnecessary. When you have things that become prerequisites for the music, they become variables that can be cancelled because they have no value. Kind of like the pulsating metronome like feel from most drummers in this sub-genre. It is just always there, which makes an easy pattern to break. These things just go unnoticed and are rehashed effortlessly, endlessly. If you did vocal tracks of say 25 brutal death singers without the backing band or say the maybe the same for drummers, you would not be able to tell them apart.