The Negation

So what vocals do you expect from Death Metal then? Uber high pitch warbling or operatic female vocals? I don't understand why you have so much against Sauron's vocals, or Death vox in general.
I just made an example of one of these clones because attention was drawn to Sauron, thus giving him a non-existant individuallity.
I just dont think this band would benefit from any vocalist. There isn't much of a heirarchy in this vocal styling. I guess i would prefer the vocals of say aeon, or suffocation if vocals were indeed necessary. The vocals do nothing more than distract from the aesthetics that attract people to this music in most cases. So my preposed solution is to not have a vocalist for this styling instead of settling for the played out garbage. MOst Brutal death is cluttered enough. I just don't see the majority of these vocalists being missed.
You're superimposing your taste over others'. I for one find Sauron very distinctive among death vocalists; maybe you just don't bother paying enough attention to notice. You're also arguing a case against the vocals that can be analogously applied to any aspect of death metal anyway. You mentioned drumming, but what's to stop that example transferring over to guitars and bass and structure and rhythm etc etc....pretty soon all you're gonna have left is no music at all. Furthermore, who are you to say what stylings suit whatever kind of band or genre of metal in general? That's your own preference, it is not some kind of objective stylistic fact that should be observed by participants in the music scene, and thereby broken somehow by a band like Decapitated who just so happen to apply a competent growl to music that, to most people, is (as a pairing) stylistically very relevant.
There are some very creative and interesting vocalist's in DM(very few)

The vocalist from Decapitated on the first 2 cds sounds like he has down syndrome or is really fucking bored and tired. He actually puts alittle effort on the new one which does not help because he does nothing and does not change it up. He does not fucking stop for a second and does not change his patterns and he sounds like a programmed robot.

There drummer reminds me of a programmed drum machine also. The band is mechanical in a very bad way. They dont know how to do it and should go back to ripping off slayer and vader because that was better for them.
Well this thread is quickly going down the drain. Before all hell breaks loose I'll just add that I enjoy the album but don't think it's of the same quality as Nihility. I think Nihility was a bit more catchy and at times groovy and I liked that about it.
The Negation is quite simply a very lazy release ... I cannot believe there are two guitarists on board now and this is all we got.

Very dissapointed ...
SculptedCold said:
You're superimposing your taste over others'. I for one find Sauron very distinctive among death vocalists; maybe you just don't bother paying enough attention to notice. You're also arguing a case against the vocals that can be analogously applied to any aspect of death metal anyway. You mentioned drumming, but what's to stop that example transferring over to guitars and bass and structure and rhythm etc etc....pretty soon all you're gonna have left is no music at all. Furthermore, who are you to say what stylings suit whatever kind of band or genre of metal in general? That's your own preference, it is not some kind of objective stylistic fact that should be observed by participants in the music scene, and thereby broken somehow by a band like Decapitated who just so happen to apply a competent growl to music that, to most people, is (as a pairing) stylistically very relevant.

I am not going on an elitist rant. I just wanted to make an example that this music is becoming very tired. The majority of Brutal Death bands are playing outdated music. Oh btw I should have included bass in my rampage as well. The guitar is a variably that gives the music identity for the most part. That is sad because I am a bassist and would like to see some decent work done in certain areas of metal. But the drummers are just programmed space horders so it is probably near impossible. Look at the bassist from cryptopsy. He is fairly talented but it is hard for him to have the time to come through. SOme times when he does he is sort of trampled on.

There are less than 10 bands practically carrying this genre on their back: Spawn of Possesssion, Cryptopsy, Suffocation, Aeon, Nile. Aeon is a unique combination of old styles. They prove you don't need to play at the speed of light to be heavier than everyone ele. Suffocation do that as well, they have rests in their music which gives space for the music to breathe. Nile has the Egyptian samples. Cryptopsy has a band where just about every member is relevant.
I am just really tired of the guitarist being the band in most BD. If the vocals are that much of an inconvenience which it seems to me they have become, then they can easily be omitted. Maybe these drummers and vocalists just are too lazy to try to do something that isn't a cliche. I can sympathesize with bassists, because it really isn't their fault most of the time that they have no room to do anything. But you have a lot of bassists worth nothing who just get in a a band because they aren't expected to do anything, can't do anything, and got in just because they are friends with the band.
THe problem really is quite simple and cliche as well. YOu have leaders and followers. Of course the latter being the majority. People seem to be following formulas of what was groundbreaking years ago. I don't expect there to be many leaders, so at least can these bands rip off something new like cryptopsy. THat at least might raise the standards until another band comes and breaks them. Or until the same bands break them again.
Aeon!? What the fuck! They're hardly worth name dropping... You talk about bands following formulas and you've just named a band that obviously like their Morbid Angel a bit too much.

Death Metal is a genre of music that doesn't really have much space to change as changing the way instruments are played and the way songs are sung changes what it is. It'll no longer be Death Metal, just some farfetched hybrid style. To me it seems like you're expecting a hell of a lot from Death Metal, which has been a pretty stagnant genre for years, with only a handful of bands/album really pushing the boundries, and by that I don't mean speed. Getting faster isn't progression.
Another reason I think Decapitated are ripping off there fans. They say how amazing both there lead guitarists and guitarists are in General and then they have a song called Lying And Weak(rushed and horrible put together and sounds like they made it in 10 minutes) That repeats 3 parts the whole time and has no solos at all. Do they expect someone to be that dumb and buy an album from them or not notice it in general ?

WHAT BULLSHIT. Fuck those half assed douche bags.
Ageless said:
Aeon!? What the fuck! They're hardly worth name dropping... You talk about bands following formulas and you've just named a band that obviously like their Morbid Angel a bit too much.

Death Metal is a genre of music that doesn't really have much space to change as changing the way instruments are played and the way songs are sung changes what it is. It'll no longer be Death Metal, just some farfetched hybrid style. To me it seems like you're expecting a hell of a lot from Death Metal, which has been a pretty stagnant genre for years, with only a handful of bands/album really pushing the boundries, and by that I don't mean speed. Getting faster isn't progression.

Aeon are worthwhile because they don't over use hyper speed and double bass and the vocalist has an identity. THe closest I can come to comparing him to is Ross from Immolation. Bands could learn a lot from what suffocation did 10 years ago. There is room for progress.
lurch70 said:
The Negation is quite simply a very lazy release ... I cannot believe there are two guitarists on board now and this is all we got.

Very dissapointed ...
Indeed. And at 29 minutes and with at least one filler song why waste your money?
SADUDE said:
There are less than 10 bands practically carrying this genre on their back: Spawn of Possesssion, Cryptopsy, Suffocation, Aeon, Nile.
I hope you just mean brutal death, because apart from Suffocation and Nile those band are hardly at the top of the DM pile. And as far as similar bands go Luciferion, Vital Remains and Aborted are all better than all of them excluding Suffocation. And how exacly does "Nile have the Egyptian samples" justify them being any good?
Necro Joe said:
I hope you just mean brutal death, because apart from Suffocation and Nile those band are hardly at the top of the DM pile. And as far as similar bands go Luciferion, Vital Remains and Aborted are all better than all of them excluding Suffocation. And how exacly does "Nile have the Egyptian samples" justify them being any good?
AT least Nile have putin a decent amount of effort to secure an identity of their own. The samples, their 3 vocal approach is fresh in comparison in the waters they tread.Individually their vocals offer nothing new , but the complete package of vocals offered is. Vital Remains is allright... I guess. I have the cd, I like it, but I still feel it has gotten too much credit.