The Negation

I think the production is much thicker and meatier than on either of their previous albums... the bassier double bass production adds a very nice *thwump* that was absent (although not derogatory) on Nihility. Winds of Creation had an excellent production, but the guitar tone was a little thin I thought.
Hmmm.. The Negation was pretty much an instant hit when I listened to it the first couple of times. Still, I find that I agree a bit with lurch70 now, after more listens.. I loved the trebly bass drums on Nihility, the machine-like feel of it all. Nihility's stacatto-feeling really was something that I loved too, and both the trebly bass drum and the start-stop is pretty much gone now. Also, the tracks seem rather similar to each other. Will definitely give it more listens, though. Some of the tracks are indeed killer, and it's by no means a bad album. It's perhaps just a bit too catchy to have huge amounts of longevity.
well it's official for me .. the new one really bores me to tears already.
what were they thinking?

the pressure is on ... the spotlights on you Decap boys to deliver a schorcher with the next release :)
hehe, that's so strange.....with Winds and Nihility, I only liked them for maybe the first half dozen listens or so....I can't sit through either nowadays because I find them quite boring, but Negation....well, I've already listened to it dozens of times and it's only getting better for me. Weird stuff.
Gimmick band. They were playing the same par-level, boring death metal as anyone else; last time i checked. The only diference being they are just 5-10 years younger. So are you saying they've progressed from that point?
The first two albums bored me after the first couple of listens, maybe this one will be different. I'll download it sometime and see.
You're very skeptical SADUDE, dude. There's nothing subpar about Decapitated. I'm certainly not a big fan of them (although after Negation, I think I might be =) but i'll give them credit where credit is due. Nothing about them is subpar, not even the lyrics. You might not like them, but i'm quite sure they're top tier stuff. Technical, intricate yet catchy, appropriate and well-written lyrics.

I couldn't care less how old they were, I just listen to the music and read their words.
i saw them play a few of the new songs live at the camden underground when they did the previewing of the newer material. I think they did 2 or 3 of the new tracks and also played spheres of madness but then had to stop because the guitarist's transmition fucked up, i reckon it was sabotaged by all the hardcore kids there (the other bands afterwards were hardcore)
I prefer the slower stuff, but this album seems to be shaping up well.

I kind of like the high pitched bass drums on Nihility.

And those riffs were perfect...
They play in D standard, just like Nihilistic said. I love Decapitated, they are one of my favourite bands regardless of their age. I didn't even know they were that young, having such a cliche name, I thought they existed a long time before. When I heard their stuff I was instantly hit.
Fuckin ownage! The riffage isn't as top drawer as on Nihility but the production is a lot easier on the ears. I found that prolonged listens to Nihility at loud volumes is a bit hard of your ears.

If you really dig Decapitated you should check out Hate's new album, "Awakening of The Lair". One of my fav albums of 2003.
SculptedCold said:
You're very skeptical SADUDE, dude. There's nothing subpar about Decapitated. I'm certainly not a big fan of them (although after Negation, I think I might be =) but i'll give them credit where credit is due. Nothing about them is subpar, not even the lyrics. You might not like them, but i'm quite sure they're top tier stuff. Technical, intricate yet catchy, appropriate and well-written lyrics.

I couldn't care less how old they were, I just listen to the music and read their words.

I never said subpar. I just find this band has nothing to offer. They lack the necessary innovation to elevate them beyond entry level, brutal death status. I will have to read the lyrics. I will listen to winds again and respond after.
I am determined to buy that album. I am new to this band so anyone have any recommendations? I heard a few songs like "Winds of Creation" and "The Eye of Horus" and I was very impressed. I've heard something like they started when they were only 14. That's amazing.
Just buy any of their albums, or check out: "Perfect Dehumanization (The Answer?)", "Spheres of Madness", "Nine Steps", "Three-Dimensional Defect", "Names", "The Fury", "Way To Salvation".

Either way you'll be happy.