The new Anthrax press release....


.... was utterly, completely, desperately, and grossly lame and pathetic. This reunion will bring the band NO farther than a new album (W/ BUSH) would. THANKS $COTT for doing your best Gene $immon$ imitation, only, this press conference is gayer than KISS in spandex. This reunion, resonates a tad higher than that of Trixter.....

Milano may have been right after all.

Over finished gone done out.

I wish Charlie would keep better company.

you can find it here. You know what?? After reading that article, it's kind of vague where that came from. I've been the most die hard Anthrax fan for years. Read countless of articles, tv shows, etc etc you name it. None of this article seems like anything anyone in the band would say. Isn't that wierd?? Got me thinkin. And after reading some of the posts under it, I'm fearing the worst now:

Becoming like one of those assholes on blabbermouth that decry Anthrax as "has beens, contradictory and sellouts". I never thought I'd live to see the day. I'm hoping for the best of course. I'm sure we'll be in for a surprise when this unravels, hopefully something cool. Only time will tell I guess.

or maybe I just had too much sweetleaf
Alex - like you said I am living in hope that this will ultimately turn out for the best. Whatever that is.

Tomorrow can't come soon enough to put my mind at rest or out of my misery.
I swear I hope this is nothing but an April fools joke, if not, I´m through with my most favourite band up to date.
This is exactly what it appears to be, a quick cash grab on supposed past glories. What they fail to realize is that no one except DIEHARD (i.e - people on this board) give a shit about Anthrax anymore because of the stupid moves they have made throughout their career. So, as I said before, they find themselves a "cause" which none of them truly care about and allow someone to write a terrible press release with absurd quotes attributed to them.

I would believe this was a real cause if it was about Charlie getting free toys from fans or Scott selling things he probably gets for free (guitar picks, guitars, shoes, etc).

To make matters worse, and this is all speculation on my part, but because they signed with a shitty label, they stab John Bush in the back by bringing back Joey so John is no longer in the band therefore rendering their contract with Sanctuary null and void in hopes that some big time label comes knocking at their door so they can sell less than 50K records for them. Again, that is speculation on my part (the contract thing - not the backstabbing of Bush).

This is all so fucking phony and pathetic. I'm sure at their press conference Scott and Charlie will have some dumb quotes and reasons as to why. But what they will NOT be able to say is that it is because of overwhelming demand as in the cases of KISS, Sabbath, Priest, etc. (Don't fool yourself, this reunion in nowhere in the league of those, I just mention them for reference.) So what does it come down to? Money. And that's fine. We all need money, but not everybody would sacrifice friends, colleagues, and worst of all integrity for a few extra bucks over a short period of time. If they would have kept the current line-up (and I am certain Bello would have come back) they could have pushed out at least another 5 years and 2 great albums and gone out with pride. Now they will have one year as a total laughing stock and prove all of their detractors right.

If Anthrax doesn't care about their fans, why should I care about them. They have sold their soul, but not for Rock 'N' Roll, but rather a few shekels.

SaviourSelf said:
This is exactly what it appears to be, a quick cash grab on supposed past glories. What they fail to realize is that no one except DIEHARD (i.e - people on this board) give a shit about Anthrax anymore because of the stupid moves they have made throughout their career. So, as I said before, they find themselves a "cause" which none of them truly care about and allow someone to write a terrible press release with absurd quotes attributed to them.

I would believe this was a real cause if it was about Charlie getting free toys from fans or Scott selling things he probably gets for free (guitar picks, guitars, shoes, etc).

To make matters worse, and this is all speculation on my part, but because they signed with a shitty label, they stab John Bush in the back by bringing back Joey so John is no longer in the band therefore rendering their contract with Sanctuary null and void in hopes that some big time label comes knocking at their door so they can sell less than 50K records for them. Again, that is speculation on my part (the contract thing - not the backstabbing of Bush).

This is all so fucking phony and pathetic. I'm sure at their press conference Scott and Charlie will have some dumb quotes and reasons as to why. But what they will NOT be able to say is that it is because of overwhelming demand as in the cases of KISS, Sabbath, Priest, etc. (Don't fool yourself, this reunion in nowhere in the league of those, I just mention them for reference.) So what does it come down to? Money. And that's fine. We all need money, but not everybody would sacrifice friends, colleagues, and worst of all integrity for a few extra bucks over a short period of time. If they would have kept the current line-up (and I am certain Bello would have come back) they could have pushed out at least another 5 years and 2 great albums and gone out with pride. Now they will have one year as a total laughing stock and prove all of their detractors right.

If Anthrax doesn't care about their fans, why should I care about them. They have sold their soul, but not for Rock 'N' Roll, but rather a few shekels.


I'm sorry, but the complaint dept. is closed. Try again tomorrow.:wave:
A few more hours then the truth will be known (I'm pathetic enough to wait for the second zero hour to hit) Then, hopefully, all will be revelaed. Hopefully it will be good news.
SaviourSelf said:
This is exactly what it appears to be, a quick cash grab on supposed past glories. What they fail to realize is that no one except DIEHARD (i.e - people on this board) give a shit about Anthrax anymore because of the stupid moves they have made throughout their career. So, as I said before, they find themselves a "cause" which none of them truly care about and allow someone to write a terrible press release with absurd quotes attributed to them.

I would believe this was a real cause if it was about Charlie getting free toys from fans or Scott selling things he probably gets for free (guitar picks, guitars, shoes, etc).

To make matters worse, and this is all speculation on my part, but because they signed with a shitty label, they stab John Bush in the back by bringing back Joey so John is no longer in the band therefore rendering their contract with Sanctuary null and void in hopes that some big time label comes knocking at their door so they can sell less than 50K records for them. Again, that is speculation on my part (the contract thing - not the backstabbing of Bush).

This is all so fucking phony and pathetic. I'm sure at their press conference Scott and Charlie will have some dumb quotes and reasons as to why. But what they will NOT be able to say is that it is because of overwhelming demand as in the cases of KISS, Sabbath, Priest, etc. (Don't fool yourself, this reunion in nowhere in the league of those, I just mention them for reference.) So what does it come down to? Money. And that's fine. We all need money, but not everybody would sacrifice friends, colleagues, and worst of all integrity for a few extra bucks over a short period of time. If they would have kept the current line-up (and I am certain Bello would have come back) they could have pushed out at least another 5 years and 2 great albums and gone out with pride. Now they will have one year as a total laughing stock and prove all of their detractors right.

If Anthrax doesn't care about their fans, why should I care about them. They have sold their soul, but not for Rock 'N' Roll, but rather a few shekels.


Dude, I see what you are saying and all, but it is impossible to please everyone, and yourself all at the same time. If you are in a band, you WILL gain people's love and respect, and you will ALSO gain the hatred and disgust of others. It's a lot harder then it seems to be in a profesional band. It's not all girls and booze.

Well ok, there is a lot of girls, and a lot of booze to back them up, but still, you know what I am saying, right?

less then 1 day people...
I'm not at all opposed to a reunion with Joey & Spitz but WTF was up with that press release? Either this is one extremely fucked up April fools joke or they have completely lost their minds. Either way it'll be interesting to see how this all pans out.
Course this "press" release only surfaced on Blabbermouth. I still think we need some more threads about the reunion, we don't have enough. And as Mr. Wu has said, no one is leaving. And do you know what happens if all of your worst fears come true about the reunion, you wake up the next day and you go about your life the same as before.
DarbysDad said:
No matter what happens we'll all survive - We got our own lives to live.

True dat! Plus some of us have cyber sex threads to keep alive eh? wink wink nudge nudge...

Anthrax = music band, bunch of CD's, songs, lyrics and notes. = venting provider for a lot of losers who have nothing better to do (don't worry, I include myself) than spend hours posting messages and arguing over banalities with people they'll probably never see in their life.
Your life = money, beer, sex, music, sports, sex, vacations, sex, Simpsons, Family Guy, DVD's, sex etcetera etcetera...

Where the hell in the equation of your life can you find place for worrying about what will Anthrax announce tomorrer? Huh? I sure as hell can't... I listen to their music and am quite happy with it - I don't engage in an argument over hypothetical band member replacements or statements or press releases! If we all listened to music based on the personnalities or the "drama" surrounding certain bands, then we'd never have listened to Beatles, Queen, Doors, Megadeth, Priest etc etc... Shut up already and listen to the musical legacy that the band has left/will still make for us and leave these petty bickerings to the lifeless morons.
TD said:
.... was utterly, completely, desperately, and grossly lame and pathetic. This reunion will bring the band NO farther than a new album (W/ BUSH) would. THANKS $COTT for doing your best Gene $immon$ imitation, only, this press conference is gayer than KISS in spandex. This reunion, resonates a tad higher than that of Trixter.....

Milano may have been right after all.

Over finished gone done out.

I wish Charlie would keep better company.

I would be tempted to believe you alittle TD if Anthrax was getting paid millions to do the reunion, Kiss got paid for those reunions, hence their reuniion continues. I truly believe in Anthrax's case that this is a real Reunion, meaning it would be more like a family reunion. There gonna play some shows and maybe mend over some old wounds with Joey and Dan but I don't think Thrax is gonna be making even close to what Kiss did with their reunion.

But that's just one fellow's opinion,

I'm willing to bet this was mentioned before, but anyone notice just how much attention they're generating with all this? With that in mind, my slim hopes are that this is indeed just a joke, that they will do Ozzfest with Bush, that the whole point was to remind their old fans that they still exist, and to generate renewed interest. As I said before, slim. REALLY slim.
Even if Anthrax breaks up, actually, when they do finally 1 year, 5 years, 20 years down the road, will you dislike the songs? You will still be able to go put in Among The Living, Persistence of Time, Sound of White Noise, We've Come For You All, it won't change your ability to listen to those cds. Persistence of Time is my favorite album, but I prefer John's vocals. So what. If I want to hear P.O.T, I have it to listen to (except last week when I couldn't find it and bought a new copy the next day). If you don't like what happens tomorrow, it's a Friday, go drink some Guinness and wake up the next day.