the new batman suit!!

Personaly, I think Ed Norton is gonna make a great Bruce Banner, and I don't think the movie will be as horrible as the last considering Norton doesn't sign onto bad movies for the most part. That's about as far as my Hulk interest will take me.
New picture:

Still gotta go with Michael Keaton. My favorite. He was so quiet and the newer Batmans have cheesy one-liners.

Christian Bale did a great job in Batman Begins, though.
Still gotta go with Michael Keaton. My favorite. He was so quiet and the newer Batmans have cheesy one-liners.

Christian Bale did a great job in Batman Begins, though.


Michael Keaton >>> val kilmer
Michael Keaton >>> george clooney

but i still got to say

Christian Bale >>>>>>>>>>> Micheal Keaton
Still gotta go with Michael Keaton. My favorite. He was so quiet and the newer Batmans have cheesy one-liners.

Christian Bale did a great job in Batman Begins, though.
There was only "nice coat", really. I didn't find anything else very cheesy.


* Dent and Rachel are indeed“…sittin’ in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g.”
* The Scarecrow is in TDK.
* “The Bat-cycle or pod will emerge from The Tumbler in a explosion. Everyone will think Batman is killed, but you'll see Batman go in the area of the Tumbler where he fires the missiles and that's where the Pod will shoot out from.” (Remember, BOF was informed and reported this a while back. It was said to be bogus info from another source of ours, but it IS TRUE!)
* The Joker is one sadistic bastard -- flat-out evil. There will be NOTHING to like about him. If you were expecting The Joker the be "funny," you were way, way off.


In better news, Green Arrow is getting married to Black Canary. Some of the covers in the solicits are adorable!!