The new Candlemass is kicking my ass...

Erik said:
Yes, well, you're the guy who always, no exceptions, prefers more polished, "well-produced", newer stuff so bullshit like that is to be expected. :Smug:

Is that supposed to be an insult?

I like my music to have a good sound quality, but I still own Ulver's Madrigal of Night.
Papa Josh said:
I like my music to have a good sound quality, but I still own Ulver's Madrigal of Night.
... and that just happens to be one of the best audio productions ever (Soundwise in particular, but not less content-wise)
Erik said:
No, it's a very matter-of-fact type statement which, as it happens, makes most of your opinions on music wholly worthless to me, because you obviously assign great value to things in music which I couldn't give less of a shit about or, alternatively, make me hate it. Whatever floats your boat.

blah, blah, blah, whatever makes you feel like an elitist ass. :Smug: