The new Down album


Los Loser 4 life
Dec 26, 2004
Just got it today. Pretty good album, regardless of what Blabbercrap says. I'll post my final thoughts when I listen to it more. But, it kicks ass. Might be my album of the year

What do you all think?
Rolling Stone gave it four stars, so that's saying something considering the fact that they review very few hard rock records, but I personally think it rules. I just pulled it down off of iTunes tonight and I haven't heard one bad song yet. I'd say it's pretty close to NOLA in quality, but definitely better than Down II. Anselmo is singing for the first time in 15 years and it's got Pepper's big riffs---what else do you want?

Great tunes. If you like this, get the last C.O.C. record "In the Arms of God." That's still one of the best records I've purchased in years.
i'm buying it today hopefully. i love nola and 2 though so it will be hard to beat those 2
If you like this, get the last C.O.C. record "In the Arms of God." That's still one of the best records I've purchased in years.

That's a great cd and I'm looking forward to payday for the new Down disk.:kickass:
I'm really enjoying it. Definitely different vocal style for Phil (maybe his voice is shot), but I like it. Good album, but the production is a little ...'foggy'(?) - does that make sense? Just that the sound (again, production-wise) reminds me a lot of Crowbar albums, which I guess would make sense.
Any Down vids on youtube? I couldn't find any.

I found a few of the new songs posted there yesterday, but I don't know if they're still there.

By the way...IT'S PAYDAY!!! I'm going in a little while to pick this cd up! :headbang:
I'm really enjoying it. Definitely different vocal style for Phil (maybe his voice is shot), but I like it. Good album, but the production is a little ...'foggy'(?) - does that make sense? Just that the sound (again, production-wise) reminds me a lot of Crowbar albums, which I guess would make sense.

I'm thinking the same. The production is a bit rough. I'm sure it was all done on purpose though.
Rolling Stone gave it four stars, so that's saying something considering the fact that they review very few hard rock records, but I personally think it rules. I just pulled it down off of iTunes tonight and I haven't heard one bad song yet. I'd say it's pretty close to NOLA in quality, but definitely better than Down II. Anselmo is singing for the first time in 15 years and it's got Pepper's big riffs---what else do you want?

Great tunes. If you like this, get the last C.O.C. record "In the Arms of God." That's still one of the best records I've purchased in years.
well if its anything like NOLA god damn...
jb hifi has got a delay but fuck you cunts have made me jealous....
probly be days before i get it
Listened to it again today, seems to get better with each listen! I believe someone mentioned Phil's voice being a little off on it, I hear what you mean but I think he sounds better. At least he's setting himself apart from all of the "Anselmo clones" that are oversaturating metal these days! I swear, half of the new bands have singers that sound like Phil now. I guess it makes sense, since Pantera were THE biggest metal band of the 90's.

Anyway, if you don't have it yet..GET IT!:kickass: