the new Evile

This might sound a little funky, but I wish you had to buy entire albums to listen to them on itunes. That way it would cut out all the shitty one hit wonders rap and pop songs and make more room for solid bands that have depth in their music.
i agree. i know one guy that doesn't own any complete albums. he has an entire Ipod full of music and not a single album on it. just a bunch of singles. if that isn't ghey i don't know what is.
i agree. i know one guy that doesn't own any complete albums. he has an entire Ipod full of music and not a single album on it. just a bunch of singles. if that isn't ghey i don't know what is.
Don't know if it's ghey but.. it's not that bad. I mean, those are probably the best songs of each particular album so
Yeah, I don't put the whole album either, specially when the albums have a lot of filler on them.
i had a dream lastnight that i watched the first episode of house.....

i've never seen that episode, or any of them for that matter, but i might watch it to see if my dream was the same as it.

go. now! find a television and watch house! Now!
But then again I'm a full blown house addict
That is true, but Metallica are Metallica. They have the money and fanbase to take those kind of risks.

Personally, if i've written a song im really proud of, I dont want it played months before release on a shitty PC speaker on a youtube video for 4 seconds. I'd want proper justice done to it by it being heard in full context of the entire album, on cd. We don't just write the music, we make sure the order of songs make sense, and that the packaging is the best it can be to compliment the music, that the production is the best it can be, and that the fans get as much out of it as possible. Not some shitty youtube video that basically cuts out all of the above.

I still stand by my belief that you can't beat going to a store, buying an album, holding it in your hands and hearing it fully for the first time. not fucking mp3s. I dread the day music becomes online only. Fuck that.

I would seriously hate it sooo much if that day ever comes.
I still stand by my belief that you can't beat going to a store, buying an album, holding it in your hands and hearing it fully for the first time. not fucking mp3s. I dread the day music becomes online only. Fuck that.

My thoughts EXACTLY! I don't think that'll happen (in Metal anyways) for a good while. I mean, people still buy and print records...