the new guy

he is part of a weird "team" with this other guy of similar age. they are incredibly knowledgeable about the business and quite frankly, probably have no business being here. but they are here and acting like they are doing us a favor by being here. (i don't want to be here at all)

anyhow this ultra-resume thing is a common problem according to guy in question whom we'll call butch - companies look at butch's resume and think either he's lying or they can't afford him - thus - he doesn't get hired.

he is a little threatening to me because he's a VERY close talker and for whatever reason my senses indicate that lack of space is for sexually predatory reasons rather than a lack of common sense.

he weighs about 275 or so but stands around 5'4". yesterday he went into a somewhat detailed and very brutal description of his testicular problems and surgery from last year, peppering his story with a liberal dose of "that fuckin nut had to come out". i'm not sure if my future memory will do what i heard much justice. he was told by doctors that he developed this hernia after installing 250lb doors on construction sites for many years.

but this, of course, was in the midst of working on the WTC, constructing the empire state plaza, restoring historic households in florida, doing private contracting work for the wealthy queer population of mid-upstate NY, maintaing the NJ turnpike as head foreman during the entire 80s, running a vast arm of a giant acoustical contractor, doing time as an air force tech during vietnam, and then serving 11 years as an medic/EMT somewhere in there.

and on top of all that he ruptured his ball (didn't specify which side), and at the same time the doctor's pointed out that his "moonpie" shaped belly-button outie wasn't normal either; his umbilical cord ruptured along with his fuckin nut. he underwent multiple surgeries on the same day, someone fucked up (most likely the surgeon who applied the gas that separated his skin from his fatty tissues, and he was layed up for 29 weeks (his approximation) because his "balls inflated to the size of any football you've seen". he showed me the size with his hands, to a room empty of any other witness. he tells me these things while we are completely alone.
butch says that a few of the buildings in an office complex in this area have 3 floors built underground. iaccording to him the first influx of female workers refused to work subterranean style, so the solution was to mount cameras directly outside of the buildings and feed the images on to a projection screen right outside the mock windows built three stories underground. this was in the early 70s.

me: butch are you sure you want to deliver these drawings to that location? it's a bad area

butch, snickering: what do i care? i been raped before

me, a-tremble: what

butch, snickering: ...
conversation as of 2 minutes ago

me: here's the specs

butch: well shit! hey by the way you got that "it is a trap number 2" tape? i like to listen to russian music a lot

me: you know i actually never got a copy...
i never got either, but i never paid for either. but i could.

this is most entertaining, please do not stop sir school. most vivid character development i've read in a long time.

the worst part, for you:
"he tells me these things while we are completely alone."
you at least need a second witness with whom to exchange knowing, hideously disturbed glances.
i have been trying to type out the image of him, bellowing, his mouth as wide open as the sky, as i pulled into the parking lot yesterday.

it doesn't work. plus i couldn't hear what he was screaming as i parked, but i guess it was probably my first name.
we'll have nick shooting deer and eatin pussy after we're through with him

- butch's friend bob after learning i was vegetarian 2k6

(bob is the fellow that left a $20 bill on the desk and asked me to go pay for his lunch on monday)