The New Kid...


Oct 19, 2007
Hey guys, just popping my proverbial cherry by kickin back an sippin a cold one, straight from your fridge! :kickass:

I'm interested in setting up a small recording area at home with my existing computer, but I dunno where to start! I guess I may need to upgrade my system, cos it's getting on a bit... 2.2gb AMD 3000 processor, windows XP home... and everything else is pretty basic... Anyway, I'll be trauling these boards (don't worry, I DO know how a search function works...!) in hope of finding out everything I need to know, not just production tips, but tips on buying the best gear for my money. I'm sure you've all got some awesome tips to give me, should I ask! I studied Music Technology for a year, but out lecturer didn't know what he was talking about, and I basically spent that entire year dicking round on a Yamaha 8 track recorder with an acoustic guitar... I need HELP, guys!!

For the record, I have barely anything, recording wise at the moment. I do have a Line 6 Toneport, which is okay for what it is... but I won't be making any demo's with it. I'm interested in having a small mixing desk and a few mics. I'm currently playing with an LTD EC-1000 with an EMG 60 in the bridge (flipped the 81 and 60) and a Fernandes Ravelle with a JB bridge and sustainer. Amp wise, I have a Peavey Valveking head that I have all my pedals goosing and I'm having fun playing around with it. This amp can do metal, for sure! I also have a 5150 2x12 combo and a 6505 head, into a Marshall 1960A. In the not too distant future I plan on buying an ENGL Invader 100 and a Basson 4x12. My influences, tone wise, are currently that of Unearth, All That Remains, Soilwork, Shadows Fall etc.

So, before I go off hunting, I wondered if someone could hook me up with info for the bare essentials for home recording? I know I need a decent soundcard, and that's what I'm most stuck on at the moment. :err: I figure I can get practically any 8-track mixer, and probably an SM-57 and be pretty sound with that?

See ya round, guys!!

:hotjump: :hotjump:
Meisterjäger;6619858 said:
Hey guys, just popping my proverbial cherry by kickin back an sippin a cold one, straight from your fridge! :kickass:

I'm interested in setting up a small recording area at home with my existing computer, but I dunno where to start! I guess I may need to upgrade my system, cos it's getting on a bit... 2.2gb AMD 3000 processor, windows XP home... and everything else is pretty basic... Anyway, I'll be trauling these boards (don't worry, I DO know how a search function works...!) in hope of finding out everything I need to know, not just production tips, but tips on buying the best gear for my money. I'm sure you've all got some awesome tips to give me, should I ask! I studied Music Technology for a year, but out lecturer didn't know what he was talking about, and I basically spent that entire year dicking round on a Yamaha 8 track recorder with an acoustic guitar... I need HELP, guys!!

For the record, I have barely anything, recording wise at the moment. I do have a Line 6 Toneport, which is okay for what it is... but I won't be making any demo's with it. I'm interested in having a small mixing desk and a few mics. I'm currently playing with an LTD EC-1000 with an EMG 60 in the bridge (flipped the 81 and 60) and a Fernandes Ravelle with a JB bridge and sustainer. Amp wise, I have a Peavey Valveking head that I have all my pedals goosing and I'm having fun playing around with it. This amp can do metal, for sure! I also have a 5150 2x12 combo and a 6505 head, into a Marshall 1960A. In the not too distant future I plan on buying an ENGL Invader 100 and a Basson 4x12. My influences, tone wise, are currently that of Unearth, All That Remains, Soilwork, Shadows Fall etc.

So, before I go off hunting, I wondered if someone could hook me up with info for the bare essentials for home recording? I know I need a decent soundcard, and that's what I'm most stuck on at the moment. :err: I figure I can get practically any 8-track mixer, and probably an SM-57 and be pretty sound with that?

See ya round, guys!!

:hotjump: :hotjump:

It all starts badly when you are in the belief a processor runs on gb & not hz :lol: just kiddin'.
That processor is very borderline indeed, but you might just scrape by if you're careful. How much RAM & hard disk space?
I'd get a good audio card if you dont have one. For instance with a m-audio 1010lt you could run your sm57 directly into it's preamp. This is the main thing. It doesnt have world class preamps or anything but will do you great for now. It's got an on board mixer too. Worried about monitors at all? Both audio and vision wise :p

Welcome to the forum btw :cool:
If you can snag one of those quads for a good price, go for it, but if you have a limited budget spend all of it - ALL OF IT - on audio gear that won't go obsolete. There's no reason that your current box can't do whatever you need (well, XP might be one little reason... but that's really about it), so upgrade that when you absofuckinglutely can't do without an upgrade.

Right now, I'd go for an external box instead of a mixer and software, like some sort of Firewire interface, so that you can record several tracks and not have them all mushed into one right away. If you do go the soundcard route, the Audiophile 2496 is a great buy, and if you can put a bit more coin down the 1010LT has some more trinkets added onto that - like internal preamps. Preamp selection will vary depending on your setup and budget. For mics, if you're only doing guitars I'd have at least two - a 57 or two and/or an Audix i5 or two. The i5 has a more 'open', 'clear', or 'modern' sound than the 57, and it's quite a bit easier to get to the 'good' sound because it's a little less bitchy and a little more easy to use. Eventually a condenser or two would be good, for ambience, cleans, acoustics, and other instruments, but focus on dynamics right now because for distorted guitars those are the most common pieces. Also, get some good monitors as soon as you can - it helps to hear what you're doing, I've found. Finally... do a lot of reading. There's tons of stuff on here, but unless there's a forum-wide conspiracy to compile everything into neat, handy little summaries for the convenience of complete and total strangers and nobody's told me, you're going to have to use that search button. A lot.

Oh, and none of that bold-face nonsense. Plain text is more than enough to get your point across. Bold-face angers Raptor Jesus, and I don't think you want to anger Raptor Jesus.

Ok, I'll quit with the boldness... It was something new I was tryin :oops: I'm not even gonna ask who Raptor Jesus is!

Nice fat slab of info, there. And it made sense, which, ya know.. is a good start.

Questions on my computer... I've got a gig of Ram I believe, and I have no idea about HDD space at the minute. I have a 160gb disk, but I dunno what's free on it. Speed wise, I'm gonna guess there's faster HD's out there, so I'm planning on upgrading that if I need to. For the time being, I do have the option of upgrading my whole system to something new, cos money's being good to me at the moment. Maybe I can get a Dell system... I can't seem to find a Core 2 Quad upgrade on their UK site anywhere, but I'm guessing core 2 duo would be fine, if my current system is already borderline... Desktop Mac systems are way too rich for me, so with that in mind, what's a better OS to work with? I only asked as it was said that XP may be a problem?

To whomever mentioned monitors for vision and audio... I have my eye on a pair of Tannoy Reveal 6 monitors. They're slap-bang in the perfect price range for me. If anyone can outright tell me they're a POS, I'll reconsider, of course... As far as visual monitors, I have been looking at the new Samsung Pebble monitors. I'm sure visuals aren't a big deal though.

Mics... I've heard the Audix i5 get brought up next to the Shure SM57 before. I maybe read it around these parts somewhere, but I'm gonna take that as a sign!

JBroll, you mentioned an External Box. What kind of hardware would you recommend for that? I do have a Line 6 Toneport that's firewire compatible, if that'd be any use to me?

And I have PLENTY of time for reading, no worries there!

You hunt huh??? What are you hunting.

Hunting this forum, at the moment... :p :lol:

Thanks guys... :cool:
Meisterjäger;6623208 said:
Questions on my computer... I've got a gig of Ram I believe, and I have no idea about HDD space at the minute. I have a 160gb disk, but I dunno what's free on it. Speed wise, I'm gonna guess there's faster HD's out there, so I'm planning on upgrading that if I need to. For the time being, I do have the option of upgrading my whole system to something new, cos money's being good to me at the moment. Maybe I can get a Dell system... I can't seem to find a Core 2 Quad upgrade on their UK site anywhere, but I'm guessing core 2 duo would be fine, if my current system is already borderline... Desktop Mac systems are way too rich for me, so with that in mind, what's a better OS to work with? I only asked as it was said that XP may be a problem?

To whomever mentioned monitors for vision and audio... I have my eye on a pair of Tannoy Reveal 6 monitors. They're slap-bang in the perfect price range for me. If anyone can outright tell me they're a POS, I'll reconsider, of course... As far as visual monitors, I have been looking at the new Samsung Pebble monitors. I'm sure visuals aren't a big deal though.

Mics... I've heard the Audix i5 get brought up next to the Shure SM57 before. I maybe read it around these parts somewhere, but I'm gonna take that as a sign!

JBroll, you mentioned an External Box. What kind of hardware would you recommend for that? I do have a Line 6 Toneport that's firewire compatible, if that'd be any use to me?

Don't upgrade yet, and when you do, don't get a fucking Dell. You can build a better system for half the price. I made a sarcastic remark about XP because I personally like Windows very strongly - but unless you want to learn Linux (hint, hint) or get a cracked OS X running on your computer, not much you can do. If you do want to upgrade, PM me for details - I build computers way too much for my own good, and I'll be able to guide you through everything you need to get a better system for an insanely low price. Seriously - fuck Dell. Bastards.

If you have FireWire, you could get an external hard disk enclosure (read: DIY external hard drive) and an internal drive for much cheaper than a 'proper' external drive; if you can open up the computer and install something yourself (never can be too sure with Dell...) then go that route. Get something on sale at, don't spend too much. Again, disposable income should go to audio gear before computers unless the computer is about to explode. Your computer can handle a hell of a lot, and every upgrade you perform on the computer is an upgrade you won't be still using four years from now and is an upgrade that took money from mics and shiny boxes with pretty lights.

I've heard too much good stuff about the M-Audio BX8a monitors - another $100, and hearing as many recommendations as I have I'm going to have to say those would be worth trying. Search for Tannoy reviews, and try out the monitors in person if you can (Guitar Center should have tons of junk in stock), but I'd lean towards the M-Audio monitors. If you can save more, though, go for some Yamahas or Events.

The i5 is fucking godly. That's all there is to it. It's like a 57, but not on the rag. Fucking amazing mic.

An RME Fireface, a Firepod, something MOTU... an external unit like one of those, with preamps and converters built into it, will be much easier to manage and will have more versatility than a sound card. If I went with a cheaper sound card I'd probably hit a 1010LT. A FireWire interface will be easier to use and have more options available - they're popular around here for a reason.

I have a few friends who are real tech head when it comes to computers, so they can help me when it comes to building stuff. I have a vague knowledge of all the components I'd need, but it never hurts to talk to someone who truely knows their shit. I'd turn to you for advice on the hardware side of things though, seems you know what you're talkin about...

I used some Tannoy monitors back in school, and they sounded good, but that's kinda the problem. I don't think they were very pure sounding at all, but I kinda learnt to compensate for that over the years. I've not given monitors that much thought to be honest, which may be an error on my part.

I'll do some looking into the external stuff. The Fireface is way out of budget really. I'm not taking it *that* serious. The FP10 looks a bit more spot-on to my eyes. I found this picture on google...


... and it fills me with confidence that I could do everything with it. One thing I never learnt, and it cropping up when I'm trying to record rough tracks with MIDI drums in Cubase with my Toneport is the lag problem. I am only using USB 1.0, and I guess that's an issue, but it seems my recordings are getting laid down slower and slower. Just something I need to research myself...

As far as ordering stuff from would ordering from the states cause me any compatability issues with power supply and stuff?

Shit I thought you were ACTUALLY hunting like deer or rhinocerai or something fuckin metal.

Haha, I like you, dude... :lol: I'm sensing a Ted Nugent fan amongst us??!
... So reading more about the Presonus FP10, it really is all I need. With that in mind, would buying a Macbook be a stupid thing to do? I've been thinking for a while that I wanted the 2.16gb Core 2 Duo with a Ram upgrade. It would be seriously useful if I could turn up to rehearsals with laptop and FP10 in hand, record down our tracks, to then take them home and mix them.

Is that feasable? Leopard is coming soon, aswell...

Also, is protools worth considering?