The new pope...

omg this is so fucking hilarious!!!
i mean the guy is really a nazi and such a conservative, non open-minded asshole... it sux so bad. i wish there was a latin american pope or someone from a third world country who cared about important stuff, i mean, i hate church but at least someone more tolerant... oh well

ps: and less creepy too!!
Ocean.Soul said:
omg this is so fucking hilarious!!!
i mean the guy is really a nazi and such a conservative, non open-minded asshole... it sux so bad. i wish there was a latin american pope or someone from a third world country who cared about important stuff, i mean, i hate church but at least someone more tolerant... oh well

ps: and less creepy too!!
LOL It's the POPE ffs, what do you expect?
And a pope from a third world country or latin america.. well, that would be a good thing, but render the whole idea of the Petrus-Descendant even more ridiculous than it already is
You didn't think of it?!?!? You, the most sexless person I know apart from me?!?!?

Hey...wait a minute.....WE should be pope....yeah....we should be pope....
*unfolds world domination-strategy map*
What's the point in choosing a pope whos death is just around the corner anyway? So we can enjoy a lets-watch-the-pope-drooling-on-himself-and-die soap opera pt. 2?