The new Summoning album...

Pitiless Wanderer

Active Member
Jun 14, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
...has LEAKED. Holy shit, I didn't have any idea it would be out so early. In fact, I didn't even know they had set a release date. I'll be sure to buy this one. It's been a long wait for Summoning fans...I can't wait to spin this. Has anyone heard it yet?
It's a solid Summoning album, and, considering they're one of the very few old bands that can still deliver, that's a good thing.
This is the one album (except for maybe the new Aosoth) that I plan on purchasing in the summer with my money. I listened to the song samples on Amazon and was thoroughly impressed. Like Eligos put it, it sounded like Minas Morgul 2.0 with a blend of their new and old styles. I'll wait til I order the new album before listening to the stream. I need to get the whole picture first.

Until then, I am perfectly fine with blasting Caladan Brood instead. Have you fuckers listened to that yet? Summoning worship that is just as good as Summoning.
Yeah, it's fucking stupidly long. Great stuff though. I've been trying to get my keyboardist friends into Summoning to make a worship band but none of them are really interested.
Caladan Brood is pretty awesome, but definitely am streaming this album now to listen to it. I'm pretty impatient, but will eventually purchase soon.
As if it's leaked? Unless they purposely leaked it, that must be shit... Can't wait to check it out tho, might have to pre listen to it before mine gets here.

Would love to play drums in a project along the lines of summoning, with slow tom tom tribal beats \M/

Hail Summoning!