

Mar 18, 2002
Pardon me if this has been discussed before but...

Does anyone know where I can get a sample or two of some Summoning songs. Sounds like I would really like them (black metal, symphonic, Tolkein themes), but I would like to listen to them first before I buy.

I can't seem to find a website for them or any MP3's on the net.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I wish I could help you pal. But I have no clue. I do however, have all Summoning CDs, and would be willing to trade a CD-R for a CD-R...provided if you dig it, you buy it (gotta support the bands and all). I'd wait 'til Monday though to see what Dreamlord says. He's the res. expert.

It wouldn't even need to be a complete CDR. I just want a song or three of theirs. If I like, I will of course buy the CD's.

Let me know what you think...

You can find short samples (about 1 minute or so) at:

Just search Summoning to see the list of CDs they're selling - most have 3 samples. Not as cool as full songs, but they did a good job with the clips to give you a basic idea of their overall sound.

Napalm has their official site listed as but that just comes up with an error page... short clips may be all that's out there.
Summoning rules!!! I can definately recommend "Dol Guldur", "Stronghold" and "Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame"... It´s not really blackmetal though it has guitarts and raspy vocals... It´s very keyboardbased and atmospheric. The wardrums simply just rules! BUY IT, you wont regret....
Thanks for all of the info fellows... but one question.

I downloaded a couple of clips, and the songs seem OK, but it's hard to tell. Either the MP3's are VERY low quality, or the production is terrible. How do the songs sound on the CD's? Are they clear and the instrumentation easy to pick out? Or is it the typical black metal production, very fuzzy and all mashed together?

Thanks for the time...
I know exactly what mp3's you are talking about and they all suck. I listened to exactly the same mp3's you did, and couldn't make up my mind based on those samples.

So I took a chance and found an amazing band.

Summoning have six releases (5 full-length, 1 MCD). THe first two, Lugburz and Minas Morgul, are more typical black metal. Both have the typical black metal production. Lugburz is straight black metal with a few "atmospheric" elements thrown in. Minas Morgul (my fave) is symphonic black metal, but not cheesy like Dimmu and those other bands. The guitars and Keyboards share equal time on this one. War drums dominate every Summoning release.

Dol Guldur and Nightshade Forest(MCD) are a more laid back Summoning. The keyboards are pushed to the forefront for a more "mythical, epic" sound. The MCD is over 30 minutes long, so it's worth it.

Stronghold and Let Mortal Herose Sing Your Fame are Summoning at their most accessible. If your just getting in to Summoning, this is where to start (being the jackass I am, I started with Minas Morgul). Both are very strong releases with the guitars making a return but not as much as in Minas Morgul. Keyboards are still the dominate force. I prefer Stronghold to LMHSYF, but both are very strong releases.

The vocals for Summoning are quite the enigma. Both vocalists possess excellent black metal screams (screeches). Most of the albums have your basic Lord of the Rings "sounds like horse hooves, swords, and some releases have samples from the radio broadcast of LotR.

If you like things "epic", you'll like Summoning.
Wow! Thanks Dreamlord for the great information.

I was hopping it was the quality of the MP's that was bad. I am planning on buying a few of their newer CD's.

Thanks again...
I'd just like to echo what Dreamlord has already said. Summoning is a great, unique band. Epic is a good description - the songs average over six and a half minutes (at least on the albums I have, which is everything except Nightshade Forests), and do not contain much variation. That is to say, the same riff or structure is repeated throughout the duration of the song. For me, it makes excellent background music for reading or programming or something similar where my attention isn't necessarily on the music.

My personal favorite is Minas Morgul or Stronghold, depending on my mood. However, they are all great, and you can definitely hear the progression (or rather, refinement) through the catalog.
My take on Summoning was different than others here so far. My first album was 'Lugburz' and I was blown away. While it's indeed true that it's much, much closer to traditional black metal than their later works, it's VERY atmospheric. And VERY epic, as already mentioned. Just listen to the opening track to be swept into Summoning's world. It's grand and the key/drum pattern is simply majestic. The more and more I listen to this band, the better they get. On another note, 'Lugburz' has (I believe) 7 songs and the CD clocks in at 68 minutes (the first song is only 2 1/2 minutes long), so that should give you an idea of what they're about...