
i'd personally rather have an inconsistent band than a band that sticks so heavily to their formula as summoning, it starts to get really tedious after a while. but they do have some mighty peaks.

btw darkthrone, immortal and graveland at their best were certainly better bands than summoning.
Agreed. It's really easy for a band to be "flawless" when their level of creative ambition is miniscule. That was pretty much my impression of Summoning when I first heard them, and they bored the fuck out of me to boot, but I'd be willing to give them another shot.
You can't really listen to Summoning the way you listen to Immortal, Marduk, Mayhem, ...
You've posted 10 times (not counting the posts MA deleted) in a thread about a band you dont like... seems pretty trollish regardless of your "reasoning."
My posts actually about the band were deleted for what the rest of the post contained. :lol:

They're consistent... and they've released quite a few albums. That reminds me of The Chasm (their music doesnt in any way) Their output per album,however, is no where on par with the output of The Chasm... whom I feel ARE in the top 5 metal bands to exist, quality and quantity of release-wise.

Summoning is a good band, maybe even a really good band, but they arent in the top metal bands ever, imo.

What the fuck is with everybody being down on Summoning all of a sudden? I'm going to timetravel back two years ago where people actually still understood how superb they are. And, for the record, there is a sufficient amount of variety between albums in their discography, as much as most black metal bands at least I'd say. Perhaps it's less obvious because they still utilize the same basic tenets of their sound that separate them from other bands. They're all so different from everything else that's out there that they start sounding more alike to one another than I believe they are.
I was about to say, their sound HAS changed somewhat. Either way bands who change their sound don't deserve any more or less praise.

My posts actually about the band were deleted for what the rest of the post contained. :lol:

They're consistent... and they've released quite a few albums. That reminds me of The Chasm (their music doesnt in any way) Their output per album,however, is no where on par with the output of The Chasm... whom I feel ARE in the top 5 metal bands to exist, quality and quantity of release-wise.

Summoning is a good band, maybe even a really good band, but they arent in the top metal bands ever, imo.


I would agree for the most part. Six albums over 15 years is not that much though.