
Summoning is an excellent, and quite unique black metal band.Dol Guldur, Stronghold and Oath Bound are my favs from them.

The comparison to a pop band is a fail. Pop sucks balls and Summoning does not. Summoning isn't pandering or sappy, at worst it could be called cheesy, but I wouldn't say that either, personally.
I like Minas Morgul quite a bit and will at some point acquire more, probably Stronghold and Dol Guldur based on this thread. Formulaic, perhaps, but it's an extremely effective formula. That said, I wouldn't say they deserve the sort of praise the OP gives them.
Summoning fucking rule,great dudes too,i suppose this is a good a place as any to brag about my signed copy of the "Sounds Of Middle Earth" boxset,too bad it did'nt come with the pic lp version of Stronghold for some reason,would've been nice,still a fucken sick boxset tho
I've only heard Lugburz and Minas Morgul and wasn't impressed with either of them. Maybe I should give them another chance because I don't really remember anything about those two ablums.
Perhaps try their newer material like Stronghold or Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame.

My favorite songs would have to be Land of the Dead, Northward, Rotting Horse on the Deadly Ground, Long Lost to Where no Pathway Goes, A Distant Flame Before the Sun and the entire LMHSYF album.
Top 5 sounds reasonable to me. I don't know if I would place them there, but I wouldn't argue it.

They have a pretty flawless discography. I find Dol Gulder to be a bit boring compared to some of the other albums, but a great listen nontheless.
My favorite Summoning tracks are Khazad Dum and one song from their Stronghold album--the one with the female vocals, the name escapes me at the moment.
There was a time when I loved Dol Guldur to fucking bits, but it feels pretty drawn out now.
I only have Stronghold and Oath Bound, the latter I can live without but Stronghold has its moments, both albums are very cheeseball, but hey this is metal after all :p. I just wish they'd mix the "majesticness" up a bit more often with some more mellow simplistic parts.
I think I would've still adored Summoning had I not discovered Magma. Both bands utilize drums and percussion expertly, and have a superb sense of rhythm. And while Magma are jazzy quasi-rock , they are far more energetic than Summoning and achieve a somewhat similar ritualistic atmosphere, only by using layered operatic vocals and chants uttered in a call- response fashion.
At this point I only listen to a few songs, such as "Lugburz", "The Passing of Grey Company", "Where Hope and Daylight Die" and "Dagor Bragollach".
I think I would've still adored Summoning had I not discovered Magma. Both bands utilize drums and percussion expertly, and have a superb sense of rhythm. And while Magma are jazzy quasi-rock , they are far more energetic than Summoning and achieve a somewhat similar ritualistic atmosphere, only by using layered operatic vocals and chants uttered in a call- response fashion.

Do they use any guitars?
Do they use any guitars?
They do, mostly bass. Lots of horns,piano,percussion, lo-fi drums, and lush choirs. The occasionally hysterical female vocals tend to repulse people, which is why many find the music quite goofy. Basicaly, it's jazzy operatic rock from a drummer's perspective. I remember the first time I listened to them I was immediately intrigued. Their music has such lucid, intuitive flow.

Mekhanik Destruktiw Kommandoh is their most revered and celebrated release. Cut into 7 tracks, it's basically a wholesome 40 minute rock opera sung in an invented language; this band pioneered the genre called zeuhl, and has been ripped off a hundred fold.But none of the clones are as nuanced as Magma. I urge you to listen to some of the tracks on Youtube.


MDK is not my absolute favorite of theirs, but it's still great, albeit too clinical. I love their Udu Wudu best; it's not as frenetic, much calmer and very exotic tribal funk. The band's various releases are quite different from one another.
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Not sure about top 5, but atleast top 10. One of my absolute fav bands. I love how they create a cheesy epic atmosphere without being rediculous. The Nightshade Forests EP is my fav, but that has probably quite alot to do with it being the first release I owned by them.