
Lol, Because atmospheric Black metal bands with decent lyrics deserve the top 5 in 20 years.

Like has been said in this topic, It wouldn't be in the top 200. I find the band rather shitty
I'd also like to add, That the song, "Land of the Dead" is a fucking joke. I cant take that seriously as any form of metal.
Vocals are too far in the background, lyrics are pretty boring and ununique, sounds more pop then metal, same background riff used entire song, several minutes dedicated to a solo of what sounds like a pipe.
Change the fucking thing under your name... I know you dont mean for it to say "Bood-Filled Lungs." Oh and, Summoning is an awesome band, fuck you faggot, etc.
I think I would've still adored Summoning had I not discovered Magma. Both bands utilize drums and percussion expertly, and have a superb sense of rhythm. And while Magma are jazzy quasi-rock , they are far more energetic than Summoning and achieve a somewhat similar ritualistic atmosphere, only by using layered operatic vocals and chants uttered in a call- response fashion.

After listening to the clips you posted, I must say it strikes me as questionable to equate these two bands with each other. I hear what you're saying about creating a 'tribal' atmosphere, but I think that's where the comparisons begin and end, and Summoning achieves far more raw energy IMO. But that's probably due to my tastes and Summoning's use of guitars.
Yea, well, Summoning are metal, after all, and Magma aren't. Give some other Magma works a shot, like Udu Wudu and Attahk.Very soulful funk.MDK is too calculated, mathematical and somewhat histrionic, and might not be the best introduction to the band, though it's considered their "timeless classic"
I like Stronghold and Dol Guldur from Summoning, but the purposefully sluggish pacing of the music sometimes grates on me.
Vocals are too far in the background, lyrics are pretty boring and ununique, sounds more pop then metal, same background riff used entire song, several minutes dedicated to a solo of what sounds like a pipe.
That's alwas been my problem with Stronghold, vocals are too far in the background.And as for the rest of your post, well, that's minimalist music for ya!.And yea, Summoning are very ear-friendly, and bore the beejesus out of many riffomaniacs.
Summoning is a good band and I appreciate the fact that the guy has a unique vision and sound, but I think they're perhaps overrated a bit (at least on here), though they have some really great songs. When they get it right, they really knock it of the park, so to speak.
That's alwas been my problem with Stronghold, vocals are too far in the background.And as for the rest of your post, well, that's minimalist music for ya!.And yea, Summoning are very ear-friendly, and bore the beejesus out of many riffomaniacs.

I've also noticed the main riff is used in other songs (or atleast simular to) such as Devil Driver's, "These fighting words".:kickass:
Well, yea, Summoning are formulaic. Just ritualistic black metal with synths. When they hit the spot, they really hit, but mostly, they're just sort of there. I also think that Stronghold runs out of steam after the sixth song.
I would really like some of the hardcore critics of Summoning to actually list another five bands that they feel could be considered for the top 5 artists in the two decades.

Although I think the band has a pretty flawless discography, I can only agree with those that say they excel in their own genre, other than that they could be considered limited in terms of "artistry" or whatever other terms you can pull out of your ass".

So please people, produce a band that has a very well received discography - and since "ballessness" and "pussification" have been thrown around = produce a band that has produced nothing but sheer orgiastic ecstasy and is also true to "metal" (because, something that is in any way "pop-ish" must be avoided, whether in song structure or mass appeal).
I would really like some of the hardcore critics of Summoning to actually list another five bands that they feel could be considered for the top 5 artists in the two decades.

Although I think the band has a pretty flawless discography, I can only agree with those that say they excel in their own genre, other than that they could be considered limited in terms of "artistry" or whatever other terms you can pull out of your ass".

So please people, produce a band that has a very well received discography - and since "ballessness" and "pussification" have been thrown around = produce a band that has produced nothing but sheer orgiastic ecstasy and is also true to "metal" (because, something that is in any way "pop-ish" must be avoided, whether in song structure or mass appeal).

Just black metal:

Deathspell Omega

I could list many more superior BM bands... lol