The News Thread

What is it about claims that Russia/Putin made efforts to swing the election in Trump's favour that upsets pro-Trump/anti-Clinton types so much?

Do they really believe that Putin/Russia would never behave in this way? Do they not believe that it's in Russia's interests that Trump, rather than Clinton, is the next president? Are they not the same people that a year or so ago would probably have been ranting about how awful Russia is and talking like nothing had changed since the 80s?

It's kinda funny that so many Americans have jumped from being 'cold warriors' to sucking Putin's dick in so little time.
Admiration for Putin's Russia doesn't seem to be the reason that anti-Hillary/pro-Trump types dismiss the hacking swung the election in favour of Trump claim, from what I've seen and heard it's more just a case that they dismiss the claim that Hillary lost because the DNC was hacked.

I tend to agree with them, I've seen no evidence to support the claim that Hillary lost as a result of the hacks.

Though there is definitely admiration for Putin among the alt. right.
I was watching tim kaine on the abomination that is meet the press earlier. And as i've said for the hundredth time, what a complete joke this guy is. Talks about how he's proud of how the democrats are handling the situation via protests and what not. Has to be one of the biggest morons in politics.

Oh and breitbart is anti-semetic? :lol: I hope guys like this continue to be the staple of the left.
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I'd just say, "BITCH...can you take your goddamn beverage and stop holding up the line like a pathetic child, PLEASE?!" lmao. this is blowing up atm, everyone's freaking out

edit: he deleted it but basically an old rich guy who's presumably hosting trump and co posted a picture of the guy carrying the remote nuclear controller and was like HEY THIS IS RICK THE GUY WHO CARRIES THE NUCLEAR CONTROLLER and all the comments were accusing the dude of treason n shit
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All the king's men...

Mr. Flynn, who served in the job for less than a month, said he had given “incomplete information” regarding a telephone call he had with the ambassador in late December about American sanctions against Russia, weeks before President Trump’s inauguration. Mr. Flynn previously had denied that he had any substantive conversations with Ambassador Sergey I. Kislyak, and Mr. Pence repeated that claim in television interviews as recently as this month.

But on Monday, a former administration official said the Justice Department warned the White House last month that Mr. Flynn had not been fully forthright about his conversations with the ambassador. As a result, the Justice Department feared that Mr. Flynn could be vulnerable to blackmail by Moscow.
What happened to drain the swamp? What happened to being an excellent judge of character and hiring the best? Evidently, the "law and order president" can't even find a national security chief who follows the law. Congrats Trump supporters, every day you are reminded of your utter stupidity in being conned to vote for someone totally unqualified for the job. At least he doesn't use a private email server, right?
This democratic talking point is really just saying "your guy was as corrupt and conflicted as our girl!"

Trump voters wanted a wall, Muslim ban, abortion minimized and an appeal to their economic interests more than anything else. Let's not act surprised here when the others don't matter to them as much.
Democrats just wanted ovaries on the throne. Both sides are pure shit.

Equivocation here is laughable. Trump is proving to be disastrously unqualified. I wasn't a Clinton supporter, but you're kidding yourself if you think she'd be having this sort of trainwreck start.

This democratic talking point is really just saying "your guy was as corrupt and conflicted as our girl!"

Again, laughable. No Clinton fan at all, but her level of corruption and conflict of interest isn't even close to being on the same level as Trump's.

Trump voters wanted a wall, Muslim ban, abortion minimized and an appeal to their economic interests more than anything else. Let's not act surprised here when the others don't matter to them as much.

I'd make a distinction between those who voted for him because of the Wall, Muslim ban, etc. (aka the deplorables) and those who voted for him for his populist and economic message. Obviously, there's crossover, but those who voted for him primarily or totally for economic reasons were totally conned and have to feel like total idiots as he hands over the econony and federal departments to Wall Street and billionaires after belching about draining the swamp for moths on end. They got played, plain and simple.
Equivocation here is laughable. Trump is proving to be disastrously unqualified. I wasn't a Clinton supporter, but you're kidding yourself if you think she'd be having this sort of trainwreck start.

I never said otherwise. She's a career politician that had her eye on the throne probably her whole life. I think some of the appeal of Trump was thinking that he wouldn't be a business as usual president.