The News Thread

I don't understand why complaining about ridiculous tax rates is somehow a complaint about people. All problems are ultimately human so I guess we shouldn't complain about anything.

Seriously? You don't understand that I was criticizing arg's assumption that most people in Scandinavia must be unhappy with such a high tax rate? You don't understand that the reason for such high tax rates is that, when you get right down to it, we live in a world among other people, some of whom might need more health care than we do? None of that stuck?

I actually think you did understand my comment; you just also felt the need to (as ToA put it) virtue-signal.
I think he's criticizing the tax rate, and I think he's implying that people don't like it.

I said he's assuming it, not that he said it. He said he was talking with someone who told him that; the insinuation of his comment is that it's a ridiculous amount and obviously people are slaving under it--that's the basic gist, which is why he opposes it. If it's not causing people stress, then there's not much reason to complain about it.
In what is rapidly becoming old news, arg is once again bitching and moaning about living in a world with other people.
This quote says otherwise.

He's voicing his negative opinions in regard to a high tax rate because he doesn't want that to be the norm in his country. He, personally, thinks a high tax rate is a bad thing. That's completely different from what you're assuming he was trying to say.
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This quote says otherwise.

He's voicing his negative opinions in regard to a high tax rate because he doesn't want that to be the norm in his country. He, personally, thinks a high tax rate is a bad thing. That's completely different from what you're assuming he was trying to say.

Again, I was responding to an implicit assumption in arg's comment--not to anything I thought he was saying, or even assuming he was saying. It was purely a jab at the tone of his commentary, which I usually just ignore. Guess I should have kept ignoring it.

Honestly, arg is the norm in his country. Even liberals don't want taxes that high, that's why Trump won the damn election.

Look, I don't mean to sound crass, but I was making a joke at arg's expense because arg's easy to make fun of. He probably thinks I'm easy to make fun of too. I don't really want to dissect a comment that wasn't a critically calculated comment to begin with.
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Seriously? You don't understand that I was criticizing arg's assumption that most people in Scandinavia must be unhappy with such a high tax rate? You don't understand that the reason for such high tax rates is that, when you get right down to it, we live in a world among other people, some of whom might need more health care than we do? None of that stuck?

I actually think you did understand my comment; you just also felt the need to (as ToA put it) virtue-signal.

Alternative schools of thought suggest that high taxes don't necessarily equate to good outcomes in target programs for expenditure. It doesn't have to be in moral terms but it could be eg "Taxation is Theft".

Thanks mate. I almost never respond to anything arg says, don't know why I felt compelled today.

Yes, that's what I was saying (moral/ethical). That's one way to talk about taxation that is essentially virtue signaling to a different group of people (although it's become so memefied that it has lost that tone to some degree).

I understand now.
Thanks mate. I almost never respond to anything arg says, don't know why I felt compelled today.

TBF I give him shit too, but directly for his mostly prurient self interests.

I understand now.

I've tried to avoid this tactic in recent times, particularly after reading Haidt's stuff. You can't engage on an ethical level with people with a radically different ethical formula. Better to try and move the topic into a realm less emotional and polarized if possible.
I'm sure swedes are used to it / will defend it cuz it's all they know. Imagine how overjoyed they'd be if they experienced 20%

Btw I find being made fun of funny too lol
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I'd be pissed if I were a healthy successful swede and the government took over half my paycheck and gave it to the poor, the sick, and dirty refugees. I could be taking vacations or buying sweet ass shit with that

But maybe they're all cucks
I'd be less adverse to that, but would rather voluntarily give them an amount of my choice, that will express my empathy to the extent that I want, while not inhibiting my lifestyle