The News Thread

Lmao, look at this load of horseshit. Im so glad that black disparity makes you black folk so much more infallible.

I don't disagree with her on this tbh. Absolutely stupid to commit any kind of crime in North Korea. The kid was apparently from a wealthy family and probably had a serious case of affluenza. Unfortunate, but mostly stupid.
I don't disagree with her on this tbh. Absolutely stupid to commit any kind of crime in North Korea. The kid was apparently from a wealthy family and probably had a serious case of affluenza. Unfortunate, but mostly stupid.

The sentiment is *sort of* on the mark, but im talking about all the white privilege blame shit. Nobody growing up in a 1st world country is going to think that messing with a billboard would warrant slave labor or death. Black, white, whatever. It is the privilege of growing up in a society that treats people humanely. Do black people really get incarcerated for significantly longer times than white people for the same crime? If so than maybe she has a point, but I also know that black people commit more crime. They should know more about it than I do :p

Don't let all this distract you from the real crime of US immigration policy and policy enforcement.

Anti-white sentiment is one of the biggest issues we face as a country. The backlash of the alt-right didnt just emerge out of the dying KKK population, but as a response to excessive affirmative action. Their overt racism may be over the top, but equally so is the anti-white hate that is being spewed like was done in this article. If we cant even handle the racial divide between American blacks and whites, why should we be expected to open our borders and further complicate the issue with an influx of even more deviance from the norm?

yes, I know you were being sarcastic.
She's a disingenuous mental midget, if blacks in America truly felt like they live in a Stalinist regime, they wouldn't be engaging in huge violent riots and they wouldn't be acting like spoiled brats on college campuses.

I bet she has never in her life even looked into North Korea or any Stalinist regime before writing that steaming pile, her ignorance is palpable.

Why anyone would want to visit North Korea when stuff like this happens is beyond me. That dude lived 10 minutes from my house.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Why do people feel compelled to steal stuff, let alone in a dictatorship like North Korea where you're basically screwed if you get caught. Not like here where you can get off with a fine if it's minor or you have a good attorney.

Here, have a sticker for saying something obvious as if it's revolutionary.
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She's a disingenuous mental midget, if blacks in America truly felt like they live in a Stalinist regime, they wouldn't be engaging in huge violent riots and they wouldn't be acting like spoiled brats on college campuses.

I bet she has never in her life even looked into North Korea or any Stalinist regime before writing that steaming pile, her ignorance is palpable.

Here, have a sticker for saying something obvious as if it's revolutionary.
The sentiment is *sort of* on the mark, but im talking about all the white privilege blame shit. Nobody growing up in a 1st world country is going to think that messing with a billboard would warrant slave labor or death. Black, white, whatever. It is the privilege of growing up in a society that treats people humanely. Do black people really get incarcerated for significantly longer times than white people for the same crime? If so than maybe she has a point, but I also know that black people commit more crime. They should know more about it than I do :p

Anti-white sentiment is one of the biggest issues we face as a country. The backlash of the alt-right didnt just emerge out of the dying KKK population, but as a response to excessive affirmative action. Their overt racism may be over the top, but equally so is the anti-white hate that is being spewed like was done in this article. If we cant even handle the racial divide between American blacks and whites, why should we be expected to open our borders and further complicate the issue with an influx of even more deviance from the norm?

yes, I know you were being sarcastic.

Black people vs white do get more harshly punished than whites for the same offense, but the severity is smaller than that of men vs women.
Is the comparison between whites and blacks equal though? Seems to me to have the potential to be just another gender wage gap type of reading of the data.
I'm not sure how one would use the same logic of calculation that is used for the wage gap but also for sentencing. I believe all the studies I've seen account for context while wage gap ignores it on purpose
The main issue is economic afaik. If you're white, you're more likely to have money, or family that has money. That means when Aiden commits DUI and kills someone, he receives probation and counseling, whereas Demarcus gets 15 minutes of attention from his public defender followed by 15 years in jail. Or perhaps Bryce roofies a chick but his lawyer from Goldstein & Goldstein gets super technical and has the charges dismissed on the grounds that it can't be proven he didn't know the pill wasn't a tylenol, while Maurice gets falsely accused of rape and is told to take a guilty plea so that he'll only serve 3 years.
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The main issue is economic afaik. If you're white, you're more likely to have money, or family that has money. That means when Aiden commits DUI and kills someone, he receives probation and counseling, whereas Demarcus gets 15 minutes of attention from his public defender followed by 15 years in jail. Or perhaps Bryce roofies a chick but his lawyer from Goldstein & Goldstein gets super technical and has the charges dismissed on the grounds that it can't be proven he didn't know the pill wasn't a tylenol, while Maurice gets falsely accused of rape and is told to take a guilty plea so that he'll only serve 3 years.

Couldn't this just be eliminated by comparing poor black criminal sentencing with poor white criminal sentencing?
I don't think it eliminates the problem, though; these kinds of scenarios that HB specified illustrate how economic disparity perpetuates judicial mistreatment. It turns out that not everyone is guaranteed equal representation under the law. It strikes me that it would be fairer if wealthy white kids were sentenced more frequently for drug possession--but I guarantee you that if the courts became suddenly blind to the economic disparities of legal representation, a bunch of rich white people are going to throw a fucking fit.

So maybe the answer is: send more white kids to jail and get their parents' panties all twisted up in a bunch. Then maybe more people will start paying attention to the fact that black men are more regularly sentenced for crimes that white men also commit because, as it turns out, money speaks louder than justice.
I don't know that I agree that that's an accurate representation of the situation.

Also I'm sure non-white bourgeois males get off lightly a lot too, due to having money, my question is what is the comparison between different races from comparable economic backgrounds? Comparing dirt-poor blacks with cream blazer-wearing white yuppies is just cartoonish bullshit.

Anyway, what is everybody's opinion on Trump's decision to essentially dismantle all the Obama policies towards Cuba?
I don't know that I agree that that's an accurate representation of the situation.

Also I'm sure non-white bourgeois males get off lightly a lot too, due to having money, my question is what is the comparison between different races from comparable economic backgrounds? Comparing dirt-poor blacks with cream blazer-wearing white yuppies is just cartoonish bullshit.

How is it not an accurate description? Equal representation under the law is a cornerstone of our judicial system. It shouldn't make a difference whether it's a poor black man or a wealthy white one--but it does.

Anyway, what is everybody's opinion on Trump's decision to essentially dismantle all the Obama policies towards Cuba?

I thought Obama's policy was a good move. We're moving backward--but then, what else did we expect?

My wife just got back from Cuba a week or so before this happened. It's not a happy place, people standing in long lines for bread and soap. Castro's communism hasn't been an answer, that much is certain. But pulling out of potential trade negotiations will do nothing to help Cuba's economy. Ever since the embargo by Kennedy, the country has been begging for scraps. Was Castro a dictator who hoarded shit for himself? Sure, but that's not much different from other national leaders, many of whom the U.S. has supported.

Americans like to blame communism for Cuba's economic crisis. The truth is, it's a combination of communistic economic policies and trade embargoes that have been catastrophic for Cuba on the global stage.
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Couldn't this just be eliminated by comparing poor black criminal sentencing with poor white criminal sentencing?

I'm fairly certain there are studies which demonstrate that, but I'm at home and can't pull anything up right now.

I can say with complete confidence, however, that plea deals make up the majority of convictions in America (apparently 95% per Google), and that the primary motivation for plea deals is due to excessive caseloads by public defenders and local judges. The main reason this is the case is because if every person sentenced got to argue their case, have all evidence laid out, expert testimony called, and be heard by a jury, the entire justice system would immediately crash from overload. Keep in mind that many people having taken plea deals were eventually exonerated, either through DNA evidence or proof of over-zealous prosecutors or other factors. Obviously, some, probably a majority of those 95% actually committed a crime, but it doesn't change the fact that you're SOL if you didn't and can't afford great legal representation.

I don't think it eliminates the problem, though; these kinds of scenarios that HB specified illustrate how economic disparity perpetuates judicial mistreatment. It turns out that not everyone is guaranteed equal representation under the law. It strikes me that it would be fairer if wealthy white kids were sentenced more frequently for drug possession--but I guarantee you that if the courts became suddenly blind to the economic disparities of legal representation, a bunch of rich white people are going to throw a fucking fit.

So maybe the answer is: send more white kids to jail and get their parents' panties all twisted up in a bunch. Then maybe more people will start paying attention to the fact that black men are more regularly sentenced for crimes that white men also commit because, as it turns out, money speaks louder than justice.

The solutions I'd like to see are:

1. Hard limits on the range a sentence is allowed to vary for a particular crime, so that either the privileged people don't end up that much better off, or the less privileged ones not that much worse off. Same for plea bargains; they can exist, but they must always be offered for the same kind of crime, and to the same degree. I suppose simplifying legal code (e.g. rape is rape, no fifth-degree bullshit) would be needed as well.
2. Decriminalize every crime that cannot be handled by legal system where plea bargains don't exist, meaning every person should have a right to a full and proper criminal trial. I think we've gone so full-circle with our justice system that we're ironically close to the anarcho-capitalist meme where justice is purely a matter of how much you can pay for it. Therefore, mayors and sheriffs up for reelection have a few choices: a) continue prosecuting all crimes with equal legal representation for the defendants, risking violent criminals staying free while marijuana dealers sit in court; b) choose to legalize petty harmless crime to focus on violent criminals, or c) fund the justice system more than 1 fucking percent of your entire government's budget and hire more judges.
3. Raise the standards of conviction to require DNA evidence, video evidence, GPS evidence, or something else free of the unconscious biases of human witnesses. Anything less than that, too bad victim. Incentivize the public to be on the lookout for themselves instead of offloading everything onto the justice system and the hapless victims it routinely swallows up.
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2020 will be much tougher than 2016 for Trump unless he suddenly starts doing a bunch of smart things. Has to keep Cuban Floridians voting Republican.
I don't think it eliminates the problem, though; these kinds of scenarios that HB specified illustrate how economic disparity perpetuates judicial mistreatment. It turns out that not everyone is guaranteed equal representation under the law. It strikes me that it would be fairer if wealthy white kids were sentenced more frequently for drug possession--but I guarantee you that if the courts became suddenly blind to the economic disparities of legal representation, a bunch of rich white people are going to throw a fucking fit.

So maybe the answer is: send more white kids to jail and get their parents' panties all twisted up in a bunch. Then maybe more people will start paying attention to the fact that black men are more regularly sentenced for crimes that white men also commit because, as it turns out, money speaks louder than justice.

I think it is unfair that the dichotomy always follows the 'rich white male' being compared to 'poor black folk'. Poor white kids get booked because they couldnt afford lawyers as well, but the view of white people is always that of the upper-middle suburbanite. I think HBB summed it up when he said that the differences are economic. Possible disparities (if someone links an article that connects the two) between white and black (or other minority) sentencing given economic equality may even be due to gang activity, which makes people unaffiliated with gangs less of a public threat, and therefore their sentencing may be less severe.

Otherwise I agree with you that not everyone is guaranteed equal representation under the law. I just think it is a class issue, and that making it out as yet another race issue just creates further resentment.
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Access to adequate representation and a right to a speedy and fair trial is what is lacking. The decriminalization of drugs would go a long way towards rectifying the overburdened justice system. What it won't do is correct the problems of nihilism in society which fuels destructive drug use.