The News Thread

carrying a knife that isn't a folding blade with a 3 inch cutting edge or less is illegal in the UK ya. the man was stood outside parliament in the exact place the previous terrorist stabbing happened and presumably waving it around, what do you expect the police to do lol
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so the police go around checking everyone's knife making sure it's legal, and if not they arrest them?

jesus. I guess that's why there isn't any response to the encroachment there, people seem fine with the bullshit
Men have a larger standard deviation in IQ scores. Or: a higher proportion of men have high IQs, but also a higher proportion of men have low IQs.

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This reality is a partial explanation why so many women thing men are dumb yet men are massively overrepresented in the most challenging fields and positions. You have a bunch of 105IQ women marrying 90IQ men because of distribution frequencies.
So since Otto Wermbier died, this absolutely cancerous article has been doing the rounds which was written in 2016.

Right at the end she says that now Otto Wermbier knows what it feels like to be a black woman in America:
As I’ve said, living 15 years performing manual labor in North Korea is unimaginable, but so is going to a place I know I’m unwelcome and violating their laws. I’m a black woman though. The hopeless fear Warmbier is now experiencing is my daily reality living in a country where white men like him are willfully oblivious to my suffering even as they are complicit in maintaining the power structures which ensure their supremacy at my expense. He is now an outsider at the mercy of a government unfazed by his cries for help. I get it.

It's really telling that her conclusion is that he did what he did due to white male privilege, rather than just through sheer ignorance of the kind of conduct not allowed in a Stalinist illiberal totalitarian dictatorship.

No it must have just been because he was a white dude.
Talk about fucking low resolution infantile thinking, who lets these utter retards write anyway?
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Why anyone would want to visit North Korea when stuff like this happens is beyond me. That dude lived 10 minutes from my house.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Why do people feel compelled to steal stuff, let alone in a dictatorship like North Korea where you're basically screwed if you get caught. Not like here where you can get off with a fine if it's minor or you have a good attorney.
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So since Otto Wermbier died, this absolutely cancerous article has been doing the rounds which was written in 2016.

Right at the end she says that now Otto Wermbier knows what it feels like to be a black woman in America:

It's really telling that her conclusion is that he did what he did due to white male privilege, rather than just through sheer ignorance of the kind of conduct not allowed in a Stalinist illiberal totalitarian dictatorship.

No it must have just been because he was a white dude.
Talk about fucking low resolution infantile thinking, who lets these utter retards write anyway?

Damn, that article is brutal. I think the author fails to realize that 6 lashes is a fucking picnic compared to wasting away 15 years of youth doing slave labor. Even I would say that justice was served when the dude vandalizing cars got lashed, that'll teach the punk. Being outraged by a government that brainwashes its citizens and taking down the sign is more of an act of good will and activism than it is a prank like vandalizing cars. But I guess carrying on your mother's hate for white people is more important than looking at the actual circumstances.

article said:
And if Eric Garner is to be blamed for his own death for selling loose cigarettes or if Sandra Bland is dead because she failed to signal when changing lanes, then Otto Warmbier is now facing a decade and a half of hard labor because he lacked both good judgment and respect for the national autonomy of a country which has made its hatred for and vendetta against America unequivocally clear.

Garner died because of a tragic accident in which a policeman used a 20 second chokehold on a guy who resisted arrest (I guarantee that this was a lapse in judgment rather than a vengeful act), and Bland killed herself. How are these accidental deaths even partially comparable to Warmbier and his sentencing?

article said:
As shocked as I am by the sentence handed down to Warmbier, I am even more shocked that a grown man, an American citizen, would not only voluntarily enter North Korea but also commit what’s been described a “college-style prank.” That kind of reckless gall is an unfortunate side effect of being socialized first as a white boy, and then as a white man in this country. Every economic, academic, legal and social system in this country has for more than three centuries functioned with the implicit purpose of ensuring that white men are the primary benefactors of all privilege. The kind of arrogance bred by that kind of conditioning is pathogenic, causing its host to develop a subconscious yet no less obnoxious perception that the rules do not apply to him, or at least that their application is negotiable.

Lmao, look at this load of horseshit. Im so glad that black disparity makes you black folk so much more infallible.

article said:
The hopeless fear Warmbier is now experiencing is my daily reality living in a country where white men like him are willfully oblivious to my suffering even as they are complicit in maintaining the power structures which ensure their supremacy at my expense. He is now an outsider at the mercy of a government unfazed by his cries for help. I get it.

The idea that the black community is oblivious to the struggles of the working class white American is why someone like Trump won the presidency. I dont have health insurance, I work 50+ hours a week (physical labor), I live paycheck to paycheck. Government doesnt care about me either, but I dont make it my modus operandi to milk it for compensation and subsidies. The fear Warmbier is (ok, was, cause hes fucking dead now) experiencing is comparable to true slavery, not to the occasional glance you get from someone who doesnt like you. I dont think this author knows how fortunate she actually is, what a cry-baby bitch.

Thanks for that CIG, I got triggered like a campus lefty :tickled:
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