The News Thread


Disgusting Bernie lover

reminds me of some people here
TBF, a lot of Bernie supporters had jobs. But yeah, gun + job is weird. Of course, the dude apparently couldn't hit the broad side of a barn, so there's that.
We don't have to hear another gun control speech from Obama that's a plus
We don't have to hear another gun control speech from Obama that's a plus

Nah, the left can use this to show that they're not partisan and genuinely care about all victims of gun violence. Let's not forget who the Brady Bill was named after.
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Yeah, rags like huffpost are already trying to turn it into a gun control debate and trying to distance the left from this guy because "he had a history of violence".

Sorry, Bern and his ilk own this.
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exactly, all the violent, property-destroying, fire-starting, trump-supporter-assaulting lefties are birds of a feather with this guy
I think Hillary Clinton and the establishment left have more to answer for in this attack than does Bernie Sanders.
Bernie didn't go around smearing Republicans and the right as Nazis, fascist, deplorable, sexist and so on.
Sorry, Bern and his ilk own this.

come on man

we don't say hte metal community "owns" violence when something happens.

the dude was a nutjob and he owns his actions. if it wasn Trumpian hate I imagine it would be something else.

p.s. he reminds me of this:

I do find it rather funny that the left deflects any and all left-wing violence to the right, every single time.

Then when that is brought up they say well the right did all these violent things too and I'm thinking, so you're no better than the right? Surprise fucking surprise, might as well just change sides, what's the difference?
the dude was a nutjob and he owns his actions. if it wasn Trumpian hate I imagine it would be something else.

True, but Bernie and others are still spreading this 'anti Trump' rhetoric and telling people to resist by any means necessary. Something is going to give very soon with all of this. Whatever. One more communist dead.
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