The News Thread

dumbass brits will now have a government divided right down the middle and fuckall will get done. congratulations
Looney Tunes regularly featured Arabs as scimitar-wielding beheaders. There was plenty of anti-Arab sentiment in the 70s as well. Maybe that didn't apply to all Muslims back then, but I bet it kinda did.
Never heard of the Suez Crisis?

Sure, so are you arguing that the suspicion of Muslims in the United Kingdom comes from the Suez Crisis? Were there mass movements in the United Kingdom against Islam during the 1950's and 1960's?

Hell, even after the fatwah against Salman Rushdie and attacks on bookstores which stocked his books, there wasn't any kind of movement against Islam that I can recall.
Sure, so are you arguing that the suspicion of Muslims in the United Kingdom comes from the Suez Crisis? Were there mass movements in the United Kingdom against Islam during the 1950's and 1960's?

Hell, even after the fatwah against Salman Rushdie and attacks on bookstores which stocked his books, there wasn't any kind of movement against Islam that I can recall.

How many Muslims were there in the UK (Britain specifically) to build mass movements against during the 50s and 60s? Google is telling me that just 12 years ago, the UK's minority population has tripled from ~12% to ~38%. I'd be surprised if Britain wasn't 98% white European in the 1950s.
How many Muslims were there in the UK (Britain specifically) to build mass movements against during the 50s and 60s? Google is telling me that just 12 years ago, the UK's minority population has tripled from ~12% to ~38%. I'd be surprised if Britain wasn't 98% white European in the 1950s.

So then I ask again, how could the Suez Crisis contribute to the suspicion of Islam in the United Kingdom?
You said that British people are only aware of the existence of Asian Muslims. I gave an extremely obvious example of Arab Muslims relevant to British affairs. What is hard to understand about that?
What is hard to understand about me saying they're mostly familiar with Asian Muslims? Never said only you autistic retard.

The affairs of the Kingdom in the Arab world doesn't exactly translate to the people of the United Kingdom. It would make more sense to say that Arabs are very familiar with the British as a result of the Suez Crisis but not necessarily the other way around.
It was the primary familiarity with Britons in the 1950s and 60s unless you have something to the contrary, being that they were a white, monoethnic nation at that point.
That includes non-British whites e.g. Poles, but the point is that rate of exposure to foreign cultures is far higher today than it was in the 50s/60s.
This is funny, because people are jumping to the worst conclusions possible rather than considering that maybe the Saudi soccer team didn't even understand what was happening since they probably don't speak much English.

There was a certain point that Muslims started to be viewed suspiciously, it wasn't like this always in the west, especially in the United Kingdom where Omar Sharif for example was one of the most beloved "celebrities" around.

Seriously? One Muslim celebrity is evidence of acceptance for you?

And yes, it has been like this for a long time in the West. The stereotypical image of the villainous Muslim has long been standard fare in Western narratives. Thomas Pynchon pokes fun at this as early as 1961, in his short story "Under the Rose," which is set in Egypt in 1899. Muslims are represented as being treacherous and traitorous, and as easily bought. He wasn't just plucking these representations out of the air, he was commenting on normative depictions of Muslims in popular fiction.
dumbass brits will now have a government divided right down the middle and fuckall will get done. congratulations

I don't think you really know how our political system works. I think what you meant to say is that we'll now have a government dependent upon the support of ex-terrorist Christian fucktards (we could call them Republicans, just to piss them off) despite so much of the government's election campaign having centered around attacking the main opposition leader for... his links to ex-terrorists.

Wouldn't be surprised if we ended up with Boris as PM in the near future. Him and Trump would be a fucking ridiculous duo.

Can always count on the Conservative party to put the party before the country.
Seriously? One Muslim celebrity is evidence of acceptance for you?

And yes, it has been like this for a long time in the West. The stereotypical image of the villainous Muslim has long been standard fare in Western narratives. Thomas Pynchon pokes fun at this as early as 1961, in his short story "Under the Rose," which is set in Egypt in 1899. Muslims are represented as being treacherous and traitorous, and as easily bought. He wasn't just plucking these representations out of the air, he was commenting on normative depictions of Muslims in popular fiction.

While it's true that the overwhelming majority of Arabs are Muslim, I think the depictions are actually of Arabs rather than Muslims - the religion is downstream. If we look at the political structures and struggles in the Middle East going back hundreds of years even until the present, such negative depictions from the vantage point of western sensibilities and history (perspective) rings true.