The News Thread

Yea Rand Paul and Jeb are my two favorites as of right now. I really like Jindal too. But sadly, hillary is going to be our next president due to the fact that most of the general public don't even know who/what they're voting for ... and that usually turns out well for the democratic party.

Huckabee in the white house is indeed a scary thought, but it would never happen ... no fucking way
Sadly, Paul has gone back on a lot of things he advocated for so far prior to the Race. I understand since he has like 12 competitors, but I think Bernie is going to push the Democratic party to lean towards his and Warren's outlook rather than simply only differ the Republican candidate on taxes and abortion.

Of course, that changing of positions is typical politicking. His father had the same message for like 3 decades. Even if it wasn't always the greatest position, you knew exactly what you were getting. I think Sanders approaches a similar level of authenticity, but unfortunately for every good point he has, he has another very bad point, and most of them economically related - which is where he overlaps with the unconscionable Warren. But then that's par for most people (economic ignorance), so how much can I really hold it against him? At least the welfare only model is a little less destructive than warfare/welfare combined.
Of course, that changing of positions is typical politicking. His father had the same message for like 3 decades. Even if it wasn't always the greatest position, you knew exactly what you were getting. I think Sanders approaches a similar level of authenticity, but unfortunately for every good point he has, he has another very bad point, and most of them economically related - which is where he overlaps with the unconscionable Warren. But then that's par for most people (economic ignorance), so how much can I really hold it against him? At least the welfare only model is a little less destructive than warfare/welfare combined.

I think Sanders is on that level of authenticity, and the only tear down he has had is some silly article he wrote 50 years ago.

Do you ever think you will find a candidate who agrees with you economically? Hah. Sanders is against the idea of a corporation that is too big, it cannot exist. I imagine you share that senitment except for you it would exist but not be funded by the publics money. Sanders does advocate for the gender gap which I still think is a bogus claim unless something new has come out. He's obviously a little more socialist than any governing body will allow to happen, but I think his honesty and type of campaign he will run will do more than any policy he could pass.
You can point out the illusion of right and left when it comes to the establishment, but I don't think there's any illusion between the far-right and the far-left when ideologies are brought to the table. But, it's only the primary; the illusion is that it's a race between the far-right versus far-left. But, more than likely, it'll be establishment as hell once election time comes. Bush/Hillary 2016, unfortunately.

... he completely annihilated that dumb broad.

I cant believe after everything we've seen in the past week that the proposed bill to defund planned parenthood didn't get passed yesterday. Despicable.
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... he completely annihilated that dumb broad.

I cant believe after everything we've seen in the past week that the proposed bill to defund planned parenthood didn't get passed yesterday. Despicable.

Greg Gutfeld claims to be a libertarian, but he's an ideologue in idiot's clothing. The Five puts him on because he has an abrasive personality, can sound intellectual (but isn't) and goes on diatribes about hot-button issues.

As far as Planned Parenthood goes, getting rid of funding won't lead to a decrease in abortions. If anything, abortions (particularly shoddy ones) will skyrocket.

As far as tissue goes... the potential for life doesn't bestow upon matter some kind of sacred essence. But I'm a stupid liberal, so what do I know. All I can see are the tops of clouds.
"We can use children to make our lives better"

Yeah this idea never existed until this day in age. What a joke. I can't stand seeing these arguments from my conservative friends on Facebook, it's driving me wild.

Holy shit Gutfield just compared aborted fetuses as the same as black slaves.
Greg Gutfeld claims to be a libertarian, but he's an ideologue in idiot's clothing. The Five puts him on because he has an abrasive personality, can sound intellectual (but isn't) and goes on diatribes about hot-button issues.

As far as Planned Parenthood goes, getting rid of funding won't lead to a decrease in abortions. If anything, abortions (particularly shoddy ones) will skyrocket.

As far as tissue goes... the potential for life doesn't bestow upon matter some kind of sacred essence. But I'm a stupid liberal, so what do I know. All I can see are the tops of clouds.

I chuckled. Yeah, the new "outrage" on the abortion thing is tapping into some old rhetoric, but it is at least helping to expose PP as a racket to some degree. Regardless of one's position on abortion itself, PP is an instrument of control of and profit off primarily low class minorities.

And yeah, these Beckian Liber"tard"ians like Gutfield are worse than diehard Randians.
I chuckled. Yeah, the new "outrage" on the abortion thing is tapping into some old rhetoric, but it is at least helping to expose PP as a racket to some degree. Regardless of one's position on abortion itself, PP is an instrument of control of and profit off primarily low class minorities.

Control? "Profit" is debatable, but don't see the control perspective. Are you in the "abortion is the new genocide" camp?
Control? "Profit" is debatable, but don't see the control perspective. Are you in the "abortion is the new genocide" camp?

I'm referring to the network of dependency engendering/perpetuating institutions which serve to maintain and solidify perpetual class divides.
Hmm how does PP maintain class division? Isn't preventing teen pregnancies more on the erosion of class division than the alternative?
Hmm how does PP maintain class division? Isn't preventing teen pregnancies more on the erosion of class division than the alternative?

Classes are not merely distinguished by income, but the sorts of environments they inhabit. Lower classes live in a world of convenience stores, government service buildings, fast food, flea markets, pawn shops, dollar stores, etc., etc. It's a reinforcing cycle of dependency, waste, and initiative sapping terrain. Everything sucks, costs just a little too much, and takes too much effort to maintain, not like you feel like maintaining anything anyway, since no one else does.

PP is part of this parallel class terrain. I've had to step into that world from time to time and it's a shock every time and I can't wait to get out of it from the moment I step through the doors. These places are soulcrushing and reek of despair, and free condoms and cheap abortions are just one of the many trap baits - and why bother with the former when you can get the latter (which is fine for PP, since the latter provides $$$).

The idea of these parallel worlds different classes inhabit is pretty widely recognized, but the government "solution" is to essentially try and divert the middle class into the same path via things like the recent housing initiatives etc. "You can take the trash out of the trailer park but can't take the trailer park out of the trash". That's not completely true, but it is in a lot of cases, especially the older one gets. Conversely, it's fairly easy to turn people to trash by throwing them into the proverbial trailer park, and the "trailer parkification" of the US is decades into becoming a reality.
Well the environments that surround certain economic classes are influenced by their spending, so I disagree that they somehow differ. We've both been outside military bases and sure you weren't 'wealthy' growing up just like I wasn't, so I would bet we are more familiar with that kind of sphere.

Well PP/abortions can be argued that they encourage a lack of personal responsibility and I agree to that partially, but I don't think the alternative is better. Shitty unintended consequences, I imagine.

Not entirely sure what the last paragraph has in reference to PP, but it seems the larger problem you have here is a lack of education for one to "advance" out of this "parallel world in which PP thrives", which PP does provide. Maybe i'm missing something here?
To no one in particular:

Planned Parenthood doesn't use federal funding to provide abortions, so an abortion through them isn't on the cheap; the patient has to pay the full amount, or go through an insurance provider.

The federal funds go to providing things like contraceptives, which help prevent abortions. If Planned Parenthood gets separated from its federal funds and abortions become wildly inaccessible, then you're going to have an increase in class division because families' incomes will be spread thinner.

The conservative fantasy is basically that people who shouldn't have children or can't afford it will basically stop fucking. Abstinence kids, God's great ruse.

As far as dependency on contraceptives and other services goes... that may be true, but I think the alternative seems far worse.
Well the environments that surround certain economic classes are influenced by their spending, so I disagree that they somehow differ. We've both been outside military bases and sure you weren't 'wealthy' growing up just like I wasn't, so I would bet we are more familiar with that kind of sphere.

Well PP/abortions can be argued that they encourage a lack of personal responsibility and I agree to that partially, but I don't think the alternative is better. Shitty unintended consequences, I imagine.

Not entirely sure what the last paragraph has in reference to PP, but it seems the larger problem you have here is a lack of education for one to "advance" out of this "parallel world in which PP thrives", which PP does provide. Maybe i'm missing something here?

I didn't grow up wealthy or even middle class really (unless handmedowns and walmart clothes and a couple of new toys only at bday/xmas count), but we still didn't frequent that parallel terrain. There is a lack of an education on how to advance out of that world, and there's a lack of want to at a certain level, but the hoopla around these services is misguided on both ends. PPs existence is more a symptom of deeper problems than a central pillar of a big gov/corp edifice, but it isn't lifting anyone up either.

To no one in particular:

Planned Parenthood doesn't use federal funding to provide abortions, so an abortion through them isn't on the cheap; the patient has to pay the full amount, or go through an insurance provider.

The federal funds go to providing things like contraceptives, which help prevent abortions. If Planned Parenthood gets separated from its federal funds and abortions become wildly inaccessible, then you're going to have an increase in class division because families' incomes will be spread thinner.

I was going to point out that money is completely fungible, but then you said as much. Why would abortions become inaccessible if they don't get the funding for those federally? Obviously, the money isn't earmarked for that, but these earmarks don't really matter.

The conservative fantasy is basically that people who shouldn't have children or can't afford it will basically stop fucking. Abstinence kids, God's great ruse.

As far as dependency on contraceptives and other services goes... that may be true, but I think the alternative seems far worse.

Abstinence assumptions are asinine, but that has little to do with what I am talking about. Condoms are ridiculously cheap at full retail, and when you can't be bothered to even take that step on your own, can you reasonably be expected to take larger steps? To plan ahead? Etc. Besides, again, I don't think they are getting used with any regularity anyway. People don't like the feel, and so they try to rely on pullout - which can leave you needing Plan B, which is expensive. Other invasive forms of BC are no more popular (IUDs), traditional BC pills require discipline people generally lack to begin with, and shots can have all sorts of unwanted side effects. In short, nothing is stupid and/or lazy proof.

The same people who can't bother to drop a few dollars on condoms and use them consistently, are also the same people who won't remember their pills or have the money around for Plan B. I'm not saying there's an easy fix, or even an easy bandaid, but PP isn't either one.
Im not really going to bother commenting on the abortion issue as we've went through this one before and i've made my stance on it clear. But not a single one of you guys is bothered with PP and their sale of baby bodyparts/"tissue"? This isn't about abortion rights, no one is trying to overturn Roe v. Wade. Did you guys not see the despicable PP videos? Are you guys that blinded by the dems and their agendas that you wont even bother bringing up the main issue that is in question here?

The conservatives are right, you guys are all just going to try and flip this into an "anti abortion" and "the republicans are attacking womens rights" issue. It's honestly disgusting. But its not really surprising, we've come to expect crap like that from the left.

Just to throw this out there, there are over 9,000 federally qualified health centers in the US ... over 8,000 of them offer mammography imaging, but not a single one of the 700 planned parenthoods do.

But yea what i've came away with after reading through these posts is that you guys are all guppies who are just pushing planned parenthoods false defense argument ... but yea once again, im not surprised. The media juggernaut that is the left is just unfukwitable in a Alinsky-esque society filled with guppies/sheep.

Also, I swear to god i would not give one single fuck if any of those dusgusting, despicable "people" in those said videos were butchered and dismembered instead.

Oh and Gutfeld can be annoying at times, but the man usually speaks the truth ... which is something that is rarely found on the other side, as this page has made evidently clear.


edit: Just in case some of you guys didn't see the videos since the news stations and channels you guys probably watch hardly gave it any coverage ...


... :lol:
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What are you even talking about TB? I don't like PP, but this "smoking gun" stuff is usually just a smoke screen. Conservakin love outrage porn just as much as Democrats.