The News Thread

... smh. Sad. Truly sad.

please dont respond/quote me next time if you are going to ignore 99% of my posts. I'm giving you the credit of guessing you actually understood what i said. Which i'm not so sure about tbh, but whatever,
... smh. Sad. Truly sad.

please dont respond/quote me next time if you are going to ignore 99% of my posts. I'm giving you the credit of guessing you actually understood what i said. Which i'm not so sure about tbh, but whatever,
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Substantive I do disagree with.

The man has proven how vapid and spineless he is on several occasions. For example, when someone asked him if he would move towards marijuana legalization and he simply laughed and dodged the question. Another example, he promised to formally recognize the Armenian Genocide as a legitimate genocide, then he walked it back and flippantly referred to it as a massacre.

He would have said something much more diplomatic and bland, yes. You think way too highly of the man.

Please tell me how Trump saying there were good people "on both sides" isn't the definition of being "vapid and spineless"? Why are we even validating a comment as vague and meaningless as that?

Avoid? Ha.

Meanwhile, don't criticize regressive Islamic culture because after all, muh cultural relativism.

The point has never been that you can't criticize Islamic culture--that's a misunderstanding that's been perpetuated by people across the political spectrum. We most definitely can criticize Islamic culture, but the danger comes in extending assumptions due to stories about terrorist attacks and the treatment of women.

The reason Christianity looks less violent is that we're a secularized culture. That has less to do with Christianity per se and more to do with scientific and philosophical developments that have taken root in the political foundations of Western culture. It isn't that Christianity is less violent than Islam, but that Christian violence has been tempered by the history of Western cultural development. For Muslims who have also come under the sway of European Enlightenment thought, Islamic violence looks obscene and counterintuitive. Unfortunately, Enlightenment thought has also had negative consequences on a global scale, but it's worked wonders when it comes to the displacement of religiosity by secular thought.

I just very much doubt you'd feel the same way if it was a right-wing event wherein a minority of counter-protesters experienced some violence against them. For example, those old Trump rallies when a few protesters were treated roughly by security or by attendees, would you call those events violent?

Of course, I've set this up in a way that makes it easy for you to lie here.

So is it even worth responding if you don't trust what I'll say?

I wouldn't call Trump rallies violent events. Again, the level of violence is demonstrably different than that at Charlottesville.
Please tell me how Trump saying there were good people "on both sides" isn't the definition of being "vapid and spineless"? Why are we even validating a comment as vague and meaningless as that?

So on one hand it's vague, vapid and meaningless yet on the other hand it's explicit support for white supremacists?

The reason Christianity looks less violent is that we're a secularized culture. That has less to do with Christianity per se and more to do with scientific and philosophical developments that have taken root in the political foundations of Western culture.

Christianity committed suicide in the west in large part because it considered truth-seeking to be a virtue, so I don't really agree that our secular scientific culture is as separated from Christianity as you seem to imply because as I see it without Christianity planting that seed in our culture (as well as being fundamental to western culture's very existence to begin with) we might not have even developed the kind of scientific secular culture we have to begin with.

But that's a topic for another day and a different thread.

The point has never been that you can't criticize Islamic culture--that's a misunderstanding that's been perpetuated by people across the political spectrum. We most definitely can criticize Islamic culture, but the danger comes in extending assumptions due to stories about terrorist attacks and the treatment of women.

No need for assumptions when we have polling data that shows just what Muslims all over the world think about subjects like homosexuality, women's liberation, atheism and so on.

Using terrorism to bolster criticism of Islam is something reactionary hacks do. It's just the other side of people who fear-monger about firearms after every mass-shooting. It's the ever day standard beliefs of so-called moderate Muslims that actually really matter.
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You guys do realize that MERICA isnt the only country that defines what the word terrorism is, right? There are a shit load of countries that consider the U.S, israel, Russia etc to be terrorist. Its not just a word that belongs to a few certain powerhouse countries to lob around anytime they want to push their agendas and have everyone like you guys singing about it.



So on one hand it's vague, vapid and meaningless yet on the other hand it's explicit support for white supremacists?

I never said it was explicit.

Christianity committed suicide in the west in large part because it considered truth-seeking to be a virtue, so I don't really agree that our secular scientific culture is as separated from Christianity as you seem to imply because as I see it without Christianity planting that seed in our culture (as well as being fundamental to western culture's very existence to begin with) we might not have even developed the kind of scientific secular culture we have to begin with.

In that same vein, if it weren't for Islam we wouldn't have concepts such as "zero" or the revitalization of Aristole in scholastic philosophy.

If we're going to credit Christianity with giving rise to secular culture, then we have to credit Islam as well.

No need for assumptions when we have polling data that shows just what Muslims all over the world think about subjects like homosexuality, women's liberation, atheism and so on.

Using terrorism to bolster criticism of Islam is something reactionary hacks do. It's just the other side of people who fear-monger about firearms after every mass-shooting. It's the ever day standard beliefs of so-called moderate Muslims that actually really matter.

No, not Muslims all over the world. At least half of Muslims in particular regions. See, that's an assumption.

It's too bad there aren't polls on what Christian men think the role of women in society should be. I have Christian family members who believe adamantly that a wife's role is subservient to that of her husband. It would be interesting to see what more American Christians think...
In that same vein, if it weren't for Islam we wouldn't have concepts such as "zero" or the revitalization of Aristole in scholastic philosophy.

If we're going to credit Christianity with giving rise to secular culture, then we have to credit Islam as well.

Who is saying we shouldn't? Inventing the concept of "zero" doesn't mean we should go through another hundred years of grovelling at the feet (or under the sword) of a regressive religion and culture. We've already been through that.

No, not Muslims all over the world. At least half of Muslims in particular regions. See, that's an assumption.

There is extensive polling data on British Muslims on these subjects.

After all, the subject should be Islam in the west.
Of course majority Muslim countries are going to be regressive as fuck.

It's too bad there aren't polls on what Christian men think the role of women in society should be. I have Christian family members who believe adamantly that a wife's role is subservient to that of her husband. It would be interesting to see what more American Christians think...

It would be interesting to see what American or British Christians think should happen to adulterers, or whether they think homosexuality should be illegal.

In the end it wouldn't prove the point you'd hope it would, this is just more of you being unprincipled and thinking two wrongs make a right. If polling shows that Christians are even nearly as regressive as Muslims are in their views on homosexuality, women's liberation etc then that is just more reason to oppose regressive religious culture.
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Smh. You sound like one of those fear-mongering islamaphobes.


You sound like one of those triggered people. The sword comment was in reference to the way Islam often punishes people. Ever seen footage of a man having his hand removed?

What about under the guns and bombs of western nations and other powerhouses?

What about them? Try to keep up, we are talking culture here, not actions of any government but rather the beliefs of individual people.

You do realize far more people have been slaughtered under the name of christ than any and all other religions combined, right?

Btw, are you a christian?

No, never have been, I'm an atheist.

Also, proof of this claim?

... watch out now, he might respond to you and then complain about you responding back. :lol:

I highly doubt @Einherjar86 will stay up until 4 in the morning arguing with me, saying that decriminalization of hard drugs has nothing to do with libertarianism or the Libertarian Party.

but i'm actually agreeing with most of what Mr. Commie is saying in the above post.

What makes him a communist? He has always seemed to me much more like a social liberal.

His right as a business owner to do so.
The obvious solution is smaller states with articles of Confederation based on common ideals, with MAD for all. The US Northeast just needs to secede to join Canada along with Washington/Oregon, so they can all commit genetic seppeku together. With the unhealthy animus of the coastal elites and their policies removed, hopefully the fertile ground and persons of the Salt of the Earth in Middle America could regenerate in the birth of a New America.
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You sound like one of those triggered people. The sword comment was in reference to the way Islam often punishes people. Ever seen footage of a man having his hand removed?

Nah a triggered person is what you sounded like yesterday and the day before. And Ive seen plenty of them. And plenty of beheadings also. Have you ever seen someone strapped down to a chair and fried? Or someone who is injected with poison and starts foaming at the mouth and convulsing to death? Much better than a swift chop to the neck, amirirte? :rolleyes:

What about them? Try to keep up, we are talking culture here, not actions of any government but rather the beliefs of individual people.

You dont think people here believe in the death penalty? Try to comprehend what you read more properly.

I highly doubt @Einherjar86 will stay up until 4 in the morning arguing with me,
Probably not, his name isn't Sean the Responder.

saying that decriminalization of hard drugs has nothing to do with libertarianism or the Libertarian Party.

Again, you are an idiot. Saying the state should decide does not mean LETS MAKE METH AND CRACK LEGAL. You are living in lala land out there in the boondies and constantly displaying your ignorance when talking about how you think politics out here work. And i highly doubt that you wouldnt respond to anything anyone says here. I could talk about mustard and you would kick the door in talking about how it should look, smeel and taste when you've never even tried it. All i can do here is take you back to my post that made you shut the fuck up.

Your simplistic pleb outlook on what the US Libertarianism stands for is hilarious tbh. DECRIMINALIZE EVERYTHAAANGGGGG Lmao. You are fucking clueless.
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What makes him a communist? He has always seemed to me much more like a social liberal.
Im honestly not surprised that you cant even see how communism and socialism are like brother and sister. Again, not surprised at all.

He is living, breathing proof of how frankrurt has ingrained its ideas into this nation.

Also, proof of this claim?

And are you really asking me to give you proof that christians have killed far more people than any other religion on this planet? What in the fuck. Again, are you serious?
The obvious solution is smaller states with articles of Confederation based on common ideals, with MAD for all. The US Northeast just needs to secede to join Canada along with Washington/Oregon, so they can all commit genetic seppeku together. With the unhealthy animus of the coastal elites and their policies removed, hopefully the fertile ground and persons of the Salt of the Earth in Middle America could regenerate in the birth of a New America.
